Title: The Unwanted Child (COMPLETED)
49.2K Reads 980 Votes 34 PartsSeries #1: Unwanted Child
Being unwanted is hard. Imagine being hated bymany just because you are different. But beingbetrayed by the people who you thought willstand by you is harder.
In the land of Jermain, they believe that having apurple eyes is unlucky in the world of business.The person who will have it will bring chaos toher or to his family.
But everything changed when he studied at Western Academy and met four boys.
The four men who never tire of reminding her how beautiful she is. And with them, she can see herself happy. Very happy.
But like any other story, it's not always happy. Because the people he thought accepted him, turned out not to.
Join Divina Urraine Montero to face the judgmental world.
Author: Reyeeee
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