Title: The Gorgeous Nanny (The Neighbors Series #2) (COMPLETED)
6.97M Reads 140K Votes 51 PartsMeet the rich, gorgeous, hot and sexy Sapphire Briones. She loves to hang-out with her friends but most of the time, she's hanging out with a lot of guys. Yes, she is a playirl. You can always see her making-out with some random guys at the bar. Yes, she's a mess and she's aware of it. But no one can stop her, even her friends. She always gets what she wants in any way possible. Even the hottest guy can't resist her charms.
But everything changed when he met the handsome, hot single dad and CEO named Joseff Valderama. For the first time, she was ignored by someone she likes. From that day, she vowed to herself that she'll do everything for him to notice her... even if it means she'll be his daughter's nanny.
What do you think? Will Sapphire succeed?
Author: jglaiza
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