I want to meet my soulmate.

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A story I am writing in response to a prompt by Anonymous in the sugakookie collection.

Prompt: Soulmate AU where there is a very rare special day once in a blue moon where your red string of fate gets revealed for a very limited time. Jungkook excitedly follows his red string, only to find it connected to someone in the middle of a heist/important deal. That someone just so happens to Min Yoongi, an infamous mob boss/member.

"Hoseok hyung, how did you find your soulmate for the first time?"
That was the first thing Jungkook said right after opening their shared apartment, not even looking up from where he is taking his shoes off.

And when he gets no response for his question, he looks up to find the hall empty and the door to Hoseok' s room closed, meaning the said person is inside his room and very much not heard what he asked.

Sighing, he went to place his coat on the hanger and then went into their mini kitchen to place his empty containers in which his flatmate packed him lunch.

Since his flat mate seemed busy with whatever he is doing inside his closed room, Jungkook, in the meantime, washed the dished and took out ingredients to prepare a simple dinner for both of them.

By the time he turned off the heat, the door to Hoseok' s room opened and the man himself came out looking like he didn't get sleep for the last twenty-four hours.
"Oh...JK! That smells good. What did you prepare?" Hoseok asked, coming to stand at the counter from where he can see what's inside the pan.
"Just something simple, hyung." Jungkook answered and then went to take the plates out of the cupboard while Hoseok took the food to keep on the table.

Now, after finishing his dinner and waiting patiently for the older to finish his dinner and when he saw how slowly the other is eating, Jungkook couldn't wait anymore and asked his question.
"How did you find your soulmate for the first time hyung?" And this promptly made Hoseok to choke on his mid bite.

"What? Jungkook, why are you asking that now?" Hoseok asked, drinking the water the younger poured to him.
"What do you mean now? Don't you remember what this Sunday is?" Jungkook asked, frowning.

"Jungkook-ah, I know that, but you are still so young. Even though you could know who your soulmate is, do you want to do it now? You can wait until you can complete your studies and settle properly." Hoseok said, his food long forgotten and all his focus on Jungkook.

"Hyung, they said then next time this happens will be nearly after two years. TWO YEARS, hyung... I can't wait that much long." Jungkook whined, throwing his hands on the table and putting his head on them.
"Okay then, what do you want to know?" Hoseok asked, already melting for the younger's whining.

Listening this, Jungkook sat up straight and his eyes brightened with so much light.

"Tell me how you met your soulmate." Jungkook asked, bouncing in his seat.
"Hmm...I met him when I was seventeen. Don't give me that look, it was unplanned." Hoseok added, noticing the look the younger was giving him.

"So, I was walking from my dance practice to my home when suddenly there is a red thread on my pinkie and I just can't ignore it so, I followed to where the thread is coming from and saw him." Hoseok said.

When the older didn't continue his story, Jungkook got confused and spoke.
"And? What happened next? Did he talk with you?" Jungkook asked to which Hoseok laughed and shook his head.
"No Kook, he is very much younger than me. He might be your age and he couldn't see those threads at that time." Hoseok answered, making Jungkook to frown.
"What? What did you do then? You didn't just leave right? Say hyung!" Jungkook eagerly asked.
"I went to him asked why he was alone, and he said he was waiting for his soulmate. I was so shocked because I was so sure he can't see those threads because he is not even fifteen. Then I asked if he could see the strings and he said no." Hoseok said.

"And then he said bye to me and went inside his house when his mother called. And then he went abroad so I couldn't meet him, and he still doesn't know I am his soulmate." He added.

"So, the Suga you talk a lot in calls is not your soulmate?" Jungkook asked making Hoseok laugh loudly.
"What? Suga? Oh, Jungkook-ah! He is my work buddy. More like my boss." Hoseok said.

"I thought he is your soulmate and that 'Suga' is a pet name you gave him. Who the hell have Suga as their real name?" Jungkook spoke making Hoseok to laugh even more.

"That is not his real name, but we call each other with those names. Like mine is 'fire'." Hoseok answered.

"So, about your soulmate, do you know anything about him now? Like where he is studying or how he is doing?" Jungkook asked, even more curious about the one-sided soulmate story.
"Our homes are in same area, so I used to see him a lot until I finished my high school and came here. And after that, I just follow him in social media now." Hoseok said, taking his mobile and opening the app to show the younger.

"That's him." Hoseok said, showing the screen to the younger.
"Hyung...he is so handsome. Wow. Wait, there is a story in his profile." Jungkook said clicking on the said profile where the boy stood in front of a plane with a small bag in his hands.

"Do you think he is coming back? What if he is coming here hyung?" Jungkook asked, now totally vibrating in his chair, more excited than Hoseok.
"I have some work on that day. Let's see if he is really coming here or going somewhere first." Hoseok said, ruffling the younger's hair.

"And what time did they say this year?" Hoseok asked, again started eating from his plate.
"From one to four." Jungkook sighed as that was bad news.
"And why are you sighing then?" Hoseok asked.
"One to four AM hyung. What if my soulmate likes their sleep more and can't meet me?" Jungkook asked, making the older to smile at his pout.
"Don't worry. Just go and try your luck. It won't be the last time. Right?" Hoseok said, making the younger to nod his head.

Agreeing to Hoseok's words felt easy at that time but by the time he finally laid on his bed with nothing to think about, his mind again drifted to how his soulmate will be. Jungkook thinks himself as a pretty chill type. Known by everyone in his department and with no quarrels or arguments with anyone and always greeting everyone with a smile. His life is good. Not like how many would describe a university student's life would be like with full of assignments, classes and part time jobs.

Being from somewhat a well settled family with his mother working as a lawyer and his father working as an artist, Jungkook has the opportunity to never think about 'part-time work' to maintain his bills. And with his parents, each in different sectors, he got to really choose what he wanted to do.

The first time he said to his parents about what he wants to become, they were confused but didn't oppose or restrict him so, here he is, three years into his degree of physiotherapy. Hoseok would often ask him to practice his techniques on him and that would always lead the older to sleep peacefully for the next twelve hours.

So, now with everything a normal twenty-two years would have except a lover, Jungkook wants to experience that feeling. The feeling of someone caring for him without expecting anything in return. Wants to feel how it would be to kiss someone. It will be his first kiss if he discards the shy little cheek kisses, he gave to some people in his high school.

What more unsettling to him is that most people in these years are not at all caring about the soulmate bond and willing to live their life like how they want. Good for them but Jungkook really is a romantic and he wants his love story to start with something unexpected and in his case, it is the red strings on the special day. He just hopes his soulmate will be as happy as him to meet him and give a chance to know him properly even before rejecting him completely.

He fell into deep slumber with only one though in him mind. His soulmate.

A/N: Hi! I hope you guys are going to enjoy this story. 

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