Chapter 3. "ANOTHER WAY"

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Sabrina and Ellie were sitting in Ellie's new house, talking about how to save Sabrina and her child from dying. Ellie had a plan. She could put the child in an another woman's stomach.

But they had to find the woman who would give birth to Sabrina's baby. The two didn't know who would that woman would be. They choose few women who would give birth to Sabrina's baby.

"I don't know anyone who can help you with that, Brina. I am not sure if anyone would like to have the original heretic in their stomach for nine months" Ellie explained. "Have you told Kol and others about it, yet?" She asked.

"No" Sabrina replied. "Ellie, if we won't be able to find the woman who will give birth to my child, then don't tell anyone, please. Let me die, then"


"No, no, do not 'Brina' me. Just promise me, that you will let me die" Brina said and Ellie looked down, not wanting to say something. "Ellie?"


"Ellie, promise me"

Ellie sighed "I promise'' finally Ellie spoke, "but I also promise that I am gonna find way to save you"

"Thank you"

"Anything for my friend"


A voice was heard and they saw Scott Pierce standing widen eyes. Yes, Scott Pierce. The first love of Sabrina Salvatore, brother of Kathrine Pierce and true love of Ellie Martin.

"Scotty" Brina said as she stood and wrapped her hands around him. They are best friends now.

"What are you doing here?" Scott asked.

"Me and Kol are here for save 'lijah from Nik. I saw Ellie yesterday and we were talking about girls things" Brina explained.

"Lijah? And Nik?"

"Oh, it's what I am calling them. Lijah for Elijah and Nik for Niklaus aka Klaus" she explained.

"Wow, you are still the same Brina who loves nicknames" Scott said. "Have you talked to your brothers after Samantha's death? Damon isn't talking to Elena. Neither Jeremy"

"Yeah, I have talked to both of them. I am blaming Elena for it. She is the one who forced Jeremy to kill Sam." Brina stated.

Ellie felt uncomfortable when they were talking about Samantha's death. She hated the fact that her best friend was dead. It was touchy subject for her.

"Okay, Scott. You can go, like Brina said we are talking about girls things" Ellie said and kicked him out of the room.

"Let's go and talk to the women who can give birth to my baby" Brina said.

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