Chapter 30. "ENZO"

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"Brina, Damon and I had been locked in those cells for years, tortured, beaten, humiliated, but we were not gonna let them break us, no. We decided if were going to escape, we needed to work together." Enzo said and he puts emphasis on the word 'together,' implying sarcasm to Damon "We needed each other."

Stefan enters the classroom.

"He's not sending her."

"Tragic. Can I continue my story now, please?" Enzo asks as Jason, Natalie and Victoria nod.

"Yes, it's interesting" Jason said.

"Jason!" Stefan and Sabrina said at the same time.

Damon ignores what Enzo said, began talking to Stefan "Doesn't he know we have Aaron?"

"He doesn't care. He's willing to risk it."

"What? Let me to talk to him! He will listen to me." Aaron said.

"Just shut up" Natalie told him.

Enzo jumps off the desk. "What part of 'he doesn't care' are you not registering?" Damon asked.

Enzo got pissed off of being ignored, makes a scene to get attention by ripping a classroom chair from the floor and throwing it out the window.

"Dude" Jason said.

"Where were we? Uh, ah, right. I was telling my story, and you were all politely listening. Huh?" Enzo said as hw starts walking back to the front of the room "So Sabrina and I would given Damon all of my blood ration so he would have the strength to escape and save me and Sabrina in the process. Our plan began perfectly, didn't it?"

Sabrina looks confused, she doesn't understand what going on. Victoria is confused as well.

"I was waiting in the cage for him to release me, waiting for my friend, my cellmate, the only soul with whom I would connected with in all those years of captivity." Enzo said. "Then a fire starts, burns out of control, but Damon just can't get the damn cage open. He only could save Sabrina."

Sabrina looks confused. Damon saved her over his friend? He never told her about anything like that.

"He looks me in the eye as if he doesn't even recognize me, turns around, saves himself, leaving me to die." Enzo said.

"But Damon told me that he save time as well." Sabrina said looking at Damon who tries to avoid her looks. She shakes her head disappointed.

"Well, you didn't die, obviously." Victoria said. "Now can we leave? I have had enough of this drama?" She asked.

"No. Unfortunately I lived. I was spared by one of the scientists so I could spend another fifty years on a table being opened and closed. Now that we have all been acquainted, I am gonna find something to wet my whistle." Enzo leaves the classroom.

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