Chapter 24. "TOXIC BROTHERS"

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After dancing with Stefan, Victoria walked away to find Ellie. She found her heretic friend with Jason. They started talking. Trio was walking around and teasing Victoria who didn't want to see Kol because he would start talking about protecting his children. Trio heard familiar voices from the room and they saw Stefan, Damon and Scott there. Stefan was lying on the floor as Scott and Damon sat drinking bourbon.

"What the hell happened?" Victoria asked as two heretics followed them behind.

Before anyone else could say anything, Stefan wakes up "Uh! Hey, hey, breaking my neck, huh?" He said.

"Yeah." Damon and Scott said at the same time as Ellie and Victoria glared at them. Jason helped Stefan with standing up.

"What the hell Damon?!" Girls said at the same time.

"I wasn't only one. Scotty was helping as well." Damon said defending himself and earning a glare from Scott.

"Good job at throwing me under the bus and also, it's SCOTT, not Scotty." Pierce boy said glaring at Damon.

"Pumping me full of vervain. All we need is a Damon-sized rationalization." Stefan said.

"Oh, the new you sucks." Damon said.

"How would the old me deal with this? Barrel full of laughs?" Stefan asked Damon annoyed.

"He would know it wasn't about him."

"Oh, who's it about Damon, huh? About you? Your desperation to prove to Elena that you are a worthy boyfriend?" Stefan said pissing Damon off.

"I am gonna get her best friend back, okay?" Damon said and he breaks Stefan's neck again. Back in the ball room, Silas' headache stops, and his cell phone vibrates. It's a text from Damon: 'Hurry up.'

"What the hell, Damon?! Are you out of your mind?!" Jason yelled at his brother as Ellie grabbed his arms trying to stop him from attacking his brother. Victoria quickly ran to Stefan.

Damon glared at him "Don't yell at me, Jason. I am just trying to do right thing and you are getting in my way. Don't make me to snap your neck as well" He treated and Jason sarcastically chuckled.

"And you are doing all of this for who? Elena? You think bringing her best friend will stop her from leaving you, huh? You are destroying your life because of that doble bitch? How can you forgive her after what she did? She and her brother killed Sam!" Jason exclaimed angrily as Victoria and Ellie looked scared to see him that angry.

Damon opened his mouth to say something that would hurt Jason "Just because you won't forgive your girlfriend for cheating, that doesn't mean I can't forgive Elena for killing Sam" he said without thinking. Anger made him to speak.

Jason's expression changed as he heard him talking about what he tried to forget for months. Jason looked down not knowing what else to say. He closed his eyes wishing it was a dream and when he would wake up, he would be with his Bekah. But unfortunately it was reality.

Then Jason looked at Damon who had apologic face and shook his head, "Don't ever say anything about Rebekah again. Please Damon. Whole summer, I was trying to get her out of my mind and I was doing it great but she would always send voice-mails, and now you are talking about it. I- I..... I just..." Jason started not knowing what to say.

He looked like he wanted to cry and his ex-girlfriend noticed it. Victoria walked up to him and pulled him into hug comforting him. He let few tears escape his eyes and Victoria continued to hug him.

Jason broke the hug "I should go" he said running out of room.

Victoria, Ellie and Scott looked at Damon angrily. Girls scoffed as Scott decided walk out of room not knowing what to add. Ellie just shook her head and walked out. Victoria didn't want to leave Stefan but she had to go.

"You will have to deal with Brina, Kol and Natalie, later." She said before leaving.


Tyler is packing his things in Natalie and Jason's dorm. He has been staying there. Jason who is upset walks in. Tyler notices his red eyes and walks up to him giving him a hug. Jason cries in his shoulders and Tyler tris to comfort him.

Tyler broke hug and glanced his best friend "What happened, buddy?" He asked his best friend who wiped his tears away.

"It's Rebekah. Damon reminded me her when he said something  about her and she still is stuck in my head. Why can't I just forget about her? I am tired of life. I really am tired. Sometimes I wish I was never born at all." Jason said crying and Tyler hugged him again. Jason broke hug as soon he noticed Tyler's bags. "Let me guess you are leaving"


"Wait. I have been thinking about it, and I have decided that...I am not going to have this conversation again. I can't stop you from leaving but I don't want you to leave" Jason said.

"I don't want that either."

"Then stay! Just be my best friend. Just be friend to me more than you hate him." Jason said.

"I am sorry, Jay. I can't do that." Tyler said. He starts walking away.

Tyler's eyes are red with tears, but he starts walking away slowly and then finally walks out of the room, never looking back. Jason sit down angrily and upset trying not to cry.





also vic and jj are cute.

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