Chapter 2

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I woke up from the deep slumber, my entire body shaking and screaming with pain which my dear father, oh so lovingly inflicted upon me.

Looking down at myself I sighed, my clothes were torn, covered with the paint looking like blood or maybe that really was blood, who knows. Skin ripped with huge gashes, entire body covered with angry red bruises. Well, let's get to work, it will take a gallons of water to clean this mess up. I tried to stand up taking support from the wall, but that didn't help. My body was already too tired of dehydration and all those....beatings, so yeah the last option is to crawl to the bathroom, sounds disgusting though.

Crawling I reached the bathroom, tentatively undressing myself I took a shower, the hot water burning my cuts, making me wince in pain but my tight muscles relaxed a bit. After the shower my body felt a little light, and giving me enough strength and motivation to stand and treat myself with some food. I deserve it afterall.

Stepping out of the bathroom, I looked around the room, it was a complete mess, maybe after I passed out he still wasn't satisfied so made a mess of my room too. I frowned, I despise cleaning room. Walking down the stairs feeling a little free in this shithole of a house because after every other those beating sessions, he disappears for atleast two days and obviously the thought was relaxing enough.
Looking around the kitchen, I found nothing but cup noodles, well. I gulped down the cup noodles as fast as I could, the food felt heavenly in my stomach. Stuffing myself up, I stood up and walked towards my room.
Walking into my room I looked at the painting board, the empty canvas and the scattered brushes. My heart clenched for some reason.

The emptiness of the canvas did something to me, something disturbing took upon me and I walked towards the board and started throwing paints, smudging it up with the brushes and my fingers. Sobs were rising up my throat, eyes were watering but I gulped it down, I gulped down all my sadness and pain, just dancing my fingers along the canvas and succumbing myself into my own little safe world.
Hours later when night fell, I moved my eyes along every detail of the painting, taking it all in, slicing my heart with the strokes of brushes which created this cursed masterpiece. I couldn't hold it anymore, I broke down, I broke down after two years when all this started, when a part of me died, when a part of my soul burned and thrashed until there was nothing but ashes.
I cried and cried looking at the naked girl in the canvas bleeding her heart out, bloods dripping, staining her escaping soul, her mouth open with a silent plea, tears sliding down her cheek to the earth igniting it into fire. Standing at the edge, where the earth ends, where the pain ends, where the suffering ends, where the life ends.

People say it wrong, earth is not round, it is flat and barren, it is flat with a dead-end, devouring life into its endless void.
Gasping souls cry out in vain but this world instead pushes them towards pain, extinguishing humanity, leaving none behind, clutching the hopes and suffocating the existence of it's own kind.

I stood up and walked out of the house, the darkness of the night cushioning my shivering body. Fastening up my pace, after few minutes I found myself standing at the same place, which haunted me for my entire life, the place where three years back a woman was raped and killed in the most brutal way possible and since then the place was cursed with the name,"THE SATAN'S CLIFF". And today I'm here to dignify the name of this cliff with another death.

I looked down at the endless darkness which no light could penetrate. A voice like siren reaching out to me, calling me towards its arms, twisting my thoughts to just give up and let go and so I did, believing I was finally free, finally I can end all of this and embrace the void but....


Oh boy how wrong I was......



Teehee me and cliffhangers have toxic relationship ;)

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