Not a Fool - 41

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Aria took a moment to process his words, his confession. Her heart pounded like a drum in her chest. She could feel the warmth of his breath against her face, but something else tugged at her mind, a gnawing thought.

"You must think me a fool," she spat, her blue eyes flashing dangerously. With a flick of her wrist, she summoned her water magic and a surge of water surged from her palm, pushing Soren backwards. He staggered but managed to remain upright, surprise etched onto his face. "I don't know what game you're playing, Soren, but if you dare touch me again, I swear I'll have your head!"

Soren stood there, drenched, yet his gaze remained unwavering. His soaked attire clung to his form, highlighting his muscular physique, but he made no move to dry himself. His eyes flickered with a myriad of emotions - surprise, hurt, concern - but not a hint of fear.

"Game?" he chuckled lightly, "believe me, this would be easier if it would really be a game, my intentions... my feelings... they are genuine."

Soren's gaze softened as he looked at her, the anger radiating from her stunning in its intensity. He had not expected such a vehement reaction. He should've known better, should've realized that Aria, with her fiercely independent nature, would not accept his confession easily.

"Your title, Aria, means nothing to me," he replied honestly, his voice firm, "If you were someone else, it wouldn't change the fact that I am drawn to you."

"But it would make things easier," he continued, the intensity in his gaze never faltering, "If you were a commoner, I wouldn't have to share you with anyone. I wouldn't have to steal moments with you like a thief in the night. I could have you by my side, openly and without any hesitations."

"You're a fool!" Aria spat, rounding on him. Her eyes flashed with both anger and confusion. "And you're mistaken if you believe I'd simply fall into your arms because of your sweet words. I'm engaged, Soren. To Zarek!"

The atmosphere seemed to crackle with electricity as she stepped back, her water magic swirling around her in a whirlpool of anger and frustration.

Soren watched as she fought against the surge of emotions his confession had stirred. His words were a catalyst, unraveling the tenuous thread of propriety and decorum that she clung to.

Without another word, Aria turned and left, leaving Soren standing alone in the garden, rain-drenched and with a sinking feeling in his chest. He watched her retreat until she disappeared, leaving him alone with his thoughts and his torment.

Jealousy, a feeling Soren was unaccustomed to, gripped him. The image of Zarek, with his smug smiles and easy charm, filled his mind. That Zarek had the privilege of being by Aria's side, of being her confidant, her infuriated him.

"Damn him," Soren muttered, running a hand through his wet hair. "And damn me."

He was a demon, a rebel leader masquerading as a nobleman in a kingdom that enslaves his people. And he had fallen in love with a princess who was engaged to another.

What an utter mess he had gotten himself into.


Aria marched through the castle corridors, her chest tight with fury. Her fists clenched at her sides, her icy eyes reflecting the churning storm within her. "The nerve of him," she muttered, glaring at the elegantly woven tapestries as though they were to blame.

Every syllable of Soren's confession replayed in her mind like a broken record, their sincerity sparking a storm of conflicting emotions. "Thinks he can charm me with pretty words and a heartfelt confession," she scoffed, shaking her head. "Engaged or not, I am not some tavern wench to be swept off her feet."

The fact that she felt a tug at her heart, a pulse of warmth spreading across her chest at the memory of his words only fueled her anger. She was engaged to Zarek, her childhood companion, the man who had always been by her side. She shouldn't be affected by Soren's words, let alone feel a pang of regret for rejecting him so harshly.

In her seething state, she didn't notice the group of men stepping out of a room ahead of her. She collided into a sturdy figure, nearly toppling him over. The familiar scent of aged parchment and mint tea tipped her off, and she glanced up to find herself staring into the disapproving eyes of Lord Cadmus.

"My, my, Princess Aria," Cadmus drawled, regaining his balance, "One might think you're in a hurry. Perhaps if you took the time to observe your surroundings, such collisions might be avoided."

Standing behind Cadmus were Zarek and Lord Eran, their faces etched with lines of stress, a stark contrast to the usually calm and composed demeanor they held. Eran, in particular, looked paler than usual, his kind eyes filled with a quiet worry.

"Apologies, Lord Cadmus," she replied, "It was not my intention to nearly topple you over. Perhaps if you had more... dexterity, we wouldn't be in this situation."

The older man's eyes narrowed at her brazenness, but before he could reply, Zarek stepped in. "Aria," he said, the corners of his lips twitching upwards in an attempt to diffuse the situation. "We were just discussing some... matters. You seem flustered. Is everything alright?""

"I am fine," she replied, attempting a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes.

"Are you sure?" Zarek pressed, looking at her skeptically. "Because you look like someone just sold the royal horse."

Aria frowned at him, but couldn't help the chuckle that bubbled from her lips. "Very funny," she replied, the corners of her mouth twitching into a smile.

"Father, Lord Eran, if you don't mind, I'd like to take Aria for a walk," Zarek said, turning to the two men.

"By all means," Cadmus replied with a dismissive wave of his hand, "we have pressing matters to attend to."

With a curt nod, Zarek offered his arm to Aria, who accepted it. They began their walk through the castle's corridors, the tension ebbing away with every step.

Aria glanced at Zarek, her curiosity piqued. "Zarek," she began, "why did you all look so...stressed?"

Zarek's face turned serious, his playful demeanor melting away like ice in the desert sun. He paused in their walk, leading Aria into an alcove hidden by an ornate tapestry. It was a place they'd frequented as children, a private corner away from prying eyes.

Zarek paused, his lips forming a tight line. "It's Lord Eran," he finally admitted, glancing at her from the corner of his eye. "There's suspicion that he might be involved in our current crisis."

Aria blinked at him, taken aback. Lord Eran? Kind, patient Lord Eran? Involved? "That's... hard to believe," she said slowly, trying to wrap her head around the information.

"I understand your disbelief, my love. I felt the same," Zarek replied, his expression somber. "But the facts we've uncovered so far... they are... alarming."

"But, let's not discuss it here,", looking around cautiously. "We need to talk somewhere private."

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