Chapter 14

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The morning sun streamed through the tall, arched windows, bathing the opulent breakfast room in a warm, golden glow. The room was adorned with exquisite tapestries and paintings, each carefully selected to showcase the wealth and taste of the royal family. A long, polished table stood in the center of the room, laden with an array of mouthwatering dishes. The aroma of freshly baked pastries, sizzling bacon, and sweet, ripe fruits filled the air.

Seated around the table were Princess Aria, her brother Prince Caspian, Zarek, and their esteemed guest, Prince Aldric. The king and queen were attending to other matters of state, leaving the four of them to a more informal meal. They were all dressed casually, ready for a day of exploring the city and showing Aldric the best of what the kingdom had to offer.

As they began to serve themselves, Caspian clumsily knocked over a pitcher of orange juice, causing it to spill all over the table. "Oh, not again," he groaned, trying to salvage the situation as they all burst into laughter.

Zarek teased Caspian playfully. "Caspian, my brother, I do believe your coordination skills could use some polishing. Perhaps we need some magic spill-proof tableware just for you."

Aldric joined in, chuckling as he observed the situation. "I must say, your enthusiasm for breakfast is truly unparalleled, Prince Caspian."

Aria rolled her eyes, a smile playing on her lips. "I suppose we should be grateful he hasn't managed to flood the entire room yet. But the day is still young, isn't it, dear brother?"

Caspian, good-natured as always, laughed along. "One can only hope my clumsiness is limited to the dining table. But I do apologize for the mess."

Elras, Aria's demon servant, quickly appeared at Caspian's side, ready to clean up the spill. As he mopped up the juice, his expression remained neutral, giving away none of his personal feelings. As Elras mopped up the orange juice, Aria gave him a reassuring smile. She knew he was still adjusting to his new surroundings.

Aldric, noticing Elras for the first time, looked at him with a mix of surprise and curiosity. "I must admit, Princess Aria, I am quite amazed to see a demon serving as your personal attendant. It is rather unusual, isn't it?"

Zarek, sensing Aldric's curiosity, decided to explain the situation. "Yes, Prince Aldric, it is indeed unusual, Aria saved him about a month ago. She saw him on the streets when he was being transferred to the Zulmar mines, the guards were abusing him and she took pity on him and decided to bring him into her service. It is quite a unique arrangement, but so far there have been no issues."

Aria nodded in agreement, adding, "He has been a valuable addition to our household, and I believe that everyone deserves a second chance, regardless of their origins. While he may be a demon, he has been adapting well to his new surroundings and is no less deserving of kindness and respect than any other being."

Caspian looked at his sister, his eyes wide with amazement. "Aria, I had no idea you intervened on behalf of a demon. That's quite... unexpected."

Aria shrugged nonchalantly, enjoying the reactions her choice of servant had provoked. "Sometimes, dear brother, even the most unconventional decisions can have the most intriguing outcomes."

Aldric, still somewhat skeptical, nodded thoughtfully. "I suppose that's true. It will be interesting to see how your choice plays out. Tho that is a fascinating story, Princess Aria, your benevolence and compassion are truly commendable."

With the orange juice incident resolved and the conversation flowing easily, the group continued to enjoy their delicious breakfast. They discussed their plans for the day, eager to show Aldric the best their city had to offer.

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