Blue Silk - 30

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Warning, sexual content in this chapter!

Aria swept into the room reserved for her fitting, the lush, intricately woven rugs muffling her footfall. Sunlight filtered through the high, narrow windows, glinting off of the polished brass mirrors that lined the walls. Arrays of precious stones, beads, and threads were laid out on a large mahogany table, shimmering like a cache of pirate's treasure under the gentle sunlight.

In the middle of this delicate pandemonium stood the seamstress, a slender, hunched Null woman named Emilia. She was one of the few who managed to distinguish themselves in their craft, catching the eye of the royals. Aria often marveled at the precision of her work, the care with which she manipulated even the most stubborn fabrics into forms of breathtaking beauty.

Emilia turned, her eyes, cloudy with age, brightening as she spotted Aria. "Your Highness," she bowed, her voice trembling with reverence and a hint of nervous anticipation. "The dress is ready for the first fitting."

Aria gave her a nod, her lips curving up in a small, encouraging smile. She was very aware of the disparities between her world and Emilia's, and she had always tried to treat her with the respect she deserved.

The dress, a glorious cascade of deep blue silk embroidered with silver threads, was hung on a wooden mannequin. It was a masterpiece, painstakingly crafted to highlight Aria's slender figure and complement her dark hair and fair skin. The bodice was designed to fit snugly, studded with tiny sapphires that shimmered in an echo of her eyes. The skirt flared out, an ocean of silk that ruffled and flowed with the slightest movement.

Aria couldn't help but take a step back, her eyes wide as she took in the magnificent creation. "Emilia," she breathed, her gaze shifting to the humble seamstress, "it's... it's exquisite."

Emilia beamed at the praise, her weathered face crinkling into a wide smile. "Thank you, Your Highness. It was a labor of love. Now, if you would please undress, we can begin the fitting."

Aria complied, allowing herself to be swept up in the detailed and well-practiced routine of the fitting. She stood still as Emilia adjusted the bodice, her fingers deft and confident as she pinched, tucked, and smoothed the material. The Null woman's concentration was absolute, her focus narrowed down to the smallest stitch.

As the process continued, the outside world, with all its troubles and tribulations, seemed to fade away. The opulence of the dress, the attention to detail, the delicacy of the needlework - it all conspired to create a bubble of tranquility.

Eventually, Aria found herself once again fully dressed, the gown fitting her like a second skin. She turned to face the mirror, the sight that greeted her taking her breath away. The dress, with its deep blue hue and sparkling sapphires, made her skin glow, her dark hair seem richer, her blue eyes brighter.

"Emilia," Aria whispered, "Thank you."

Emilia's eyes softened, her wrinkled hand reaching out to gently pat Aria's. "It's my honor, Your Highness. Now, let's make sure every stitch is perfect for the ball."

Just as Aria began to respond, the fitting room door creaked open, causing both women to glance up. Standing in the doorway was Zarek, his gaze immediately finding Aria. He stilled, his breath catching at the sight of her in the opulent dress. The setting sun threw golden rays of light around her, making her seem ethereal and otherworldly.

"By the gods, Aria," Zarek breathed, his usual cheeky grin replaced by an expression of awed reverence. "You look... absolutely radiant."

Aria, though no stranger to Zarek's flattery, felt a blush creep up her cheeks at his words. She knew Zarek - knew his playful nature, his fondness for jest - but the sincerity in his voice and eyes was unmistakable.

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