History Lessons - 22

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A month had passed since Aria's awakening. Her recovery was progressing well, and she was once again able to roam the palace freely. Elras, her dedicated demon servant, was with her every step of the way, ensuring she didn't overexert herself.

One evening, Elras was helping Aria tidy her chambers when he noticed an unopened pile of scrolls, still bound together by a thin leather strap. They were dust-covered, clearly having been forgotten in the chaos of the past weeks.

"Your Highness," Elras called, his voice coarse but respectful. "Found these old papers. They ain't like nothin' I seen before."

Aria turned to look at him, raising an eyebrow curiously. "Let me see them, Elras."

She took the scrolls from him, eyes widening as she recognized them. "Oh, I'd forgotten about these! We bought them in the market before the Rain Summoning. Zarek, Caspian, and Aldric couldn't make head nor tail of them."

Elras scratched his head, peering at the writing. "Ain't entirely sure, but... I reckon I recognize some of it. It's old, old demonic. Real ancient."

Aria looked surprised. "Old demonic? Can you read it?"

Elras shrugged, "Not much, but maybe some."

Aria's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Well, what are you waiting for? Translate what you can!"

Elras squinted at the text, moving his finger slowly over the symbols. "This bit... it says 'water'... 'power'... and 'balance'. And this... 'great cost'."

Aria frowned, intrigued by the cryptic phrases. "Water, power, balance, and great cost? Sounds ominous."

Without wasting any time, she summoned Zarek, Caspian, and Aldric to her chambers. When they arrived, she showed them the scrolls and relayed what Elras had translated so far.

Zarek was the first to speak, his tone thoughtful. "This could be significant. These scrolls could hold ancient knowledge, or they could be a warning."

Caspian, nodded. "We should consult someone who can read ancient demonic. It may give us more insight."

Aldric agreed, "Knowledge is power, after all."

Zarek, his brow furrowed in thought, added, "My father deals with a lot of the demon affairs. He might know someone who can translate this."

Aria nodded. "That's a good idea, Zarek. We'll speak to him tomorrow."

The next morning, they found themselves standing in front of an imposing structure in the city. It was a stark structure, austere and unadorned, save for the kingdom's crest etched above the grand entrance. This was the Demon Administrative Center, a place where demon slaves were bred, trained, and managed under the watchful eye of Lord Cadmus, Zarek's father.

As they made their way through the entrance, they couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The atmosphere was thick with the sense of dominance and control, making the air itself feel oppressive.

"Keep your wits about you," Zarek cautioned as they entered. The inside was a hive of activity, with administrators bustling about and demons being led in and out of various rooms.

They were ushered into a luxurious office, where Lord Cadmus was perched behind an ornate desk. His eyes were sharp and calculating as they entered, a smirk playing at his lips.

"Ah, the young royals," he drawled. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

Zarek stepped forward, a single scroll held carefully in his hands. "Father, we've come across something unusual. We believe this scroll is written in ancient demonic."

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