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Hi there! This here is the first (non-academic) piece I've ever written in my life that is larger than one sheet of paper. In fact… it's equivalent to 184 pages (25 chapters), and it's not even written in my native language either. So, I'm pretty proud of myself, especially if you take into account that I do have a severe form of Dyslexia.

In my opinion I’ve done a decent job of writing you a diverse and relatively original story, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. I must warn you, however, that at some point, I had to force the plot at the expense of a beloved character, and cast that character in a bad light… I had done some online research to see if I was on the right track while writing it, and I had followed Akira Toriyama's statements and other sources. However, I’ve noticed some people were offended by it and so I want to apologize in advance. Sadly this 'incident' in the story is unchangeable without rewriting it all, and that’s something I'm not going to do. Some parts of the story can therefore appear a bit OOC, although I did try my best to stay true to the dbz universe.

Furthermore, in our country when I was a teenager it was legal to drink at the age of 16 (this has been changed to 18 nowadays). Since this element was part of my teenage years, I did include that in the story, so I hope readers with different alcohol-legislation can have an open mind about it.

That said, I still stand behind the story as it is and I really enjoyed writing it, so I want to invite you to come and read it!

Lots of love,


P.S. If you find spelling errors, please do not hesitate to send me a PM


Chapter 1: Frustration

It almost felt like there was no end to this day. Videl was staring at the blackboard on which the teacher was writing some sort of equation. She had lost track of his explanation at least twenty minutes ago. Videl sighed, she wasn't used to being at school for so long. Normally she would get a call from the chief, asking her for her assistance to catch some criminal or something. And since she was the daughter of the World Champion, the principal made an exception that she was allowed to leave the school to help the police when needed.

But then 'the Great Saiyaman' showed up out of nowhere, a flying superhero with what looked like unlimited strength. Even though she herself was really strong, this Saiyaman was way out of her league. And a superhero wouldn't be a superhero as he wouldn't fight crime. So every time Videl was summoned by the police, Saiyaman was somehow always there and most of the time he had already finished the job. To make matters worse, he was really good at crime fighting too. So good, that criminals became scared and discouraged, drastically reducing the crime rate in Satan City.

And so it happened that gradually, the teenage crime fighter was called in less and less by the police, almost to the point where she never missed school. Videl knew she should be thankful. All she ever wanted was to create a safer environment for the citizens who couldn't defend themselves, and this was exactly what Saiyaman had created. And to top that, her grades had gone up a lot too.

Though, she couldn't help but envy the man. His hidden identity, his hideous outfit and the ridiculous childish dances he performed when announcing his presence, they all annoyed her. Her blood boiled just thinking about him. Who did this Saiyaman think he was anyway? Just popping up out of nowhere and invading her turf of crime fighting!

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