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Chapter 24: Defusion

A heavy smell of whiskey radiated from the man who was currently holding him against the wall. Gohan swallowed, this night didn't go well for him, did it? He wasn't sure how to deal with this new situation in a respectful way. He couldn't think clearly. His mind was still hazy from the what-would-have-been kiss with Videl and the beers didn't help either.

"Hands off my daughter, hotshot," growled Mr. Satan, as drops of spit poured out of his mouth as he said so. The man was really angry, that was clear as day, and was apparently disturbed from his private time because he was only wearing a bathrobe and some socks.

"With all due respect, sir, I didn't do anything wrong," Gohan tried, but that was the wrong answer.

The man slammed his fist against the wall next to Gohan's head, breaking the plaster. It was probably to scare him, though Gohan didn't flinch. "You didn't do anything wrong?!" Again some spit left his mouth, "First you make a scene by yelling at my daughter and thereby getting my attention, and then you got the nerve to try to assault her?"

Gohan squinted his eyes at that comment. Did he really use the word assault? This went down the wrong way with the half-Saiyan. "I didn't assault your daughter," he said with a firm voice, against better judgment. He knew that 'the World Champion' was just luring him out.

"Dad please, let him go," Videl tried to defuse the situation. "He didn't do anything against my will."

"You'll stay out of this if you know what is good for you. I'm not done with you either," Mr. Satan threatened her.

"Sir," Gohan said with a warning tone. He didn't like how he was talking to her. "She can make choices of her own."

"As long as she lives under my roof, she lives under my rules!" Mr. Satan frowned deeply, "And that includes: no boys ."

"Dad! Just let him go!" Videl reached for her father's arm, which was holding Gohan against the wall, to try to pull it away, but as soon as she touched him, he lashed out with a flat hand. It was more of a reflex, driven by anger and alcohol, normally he wouldn't even think of hurting his Sweet Pea.

Videl's eyes shut, not expecting what was coming for her and could only wait for the impact. But the impact never came. When she opened her eyes again, she found her father's hand mere inches from her face, but it didn't move. She looked in disbelief in the direction of her father. Did he really try to hit her?

"I... I..." was all he could get out. The man was startled by what he had almost done. He then looked at his stretched arm to see why his movement had suddenly stopped and found that a hand had prevented him from doing it. It belonged to the boy, who looked now very angry in his direction. He didn't even see him move, but inwardly thanked him for doing so.

After he came back from his initial shock, Mr. Satan tried to pull his arm back, but there was no movement. Confused, he tried more firmly, but his hand didn't budge. He then released Gohan from his grip to get more force behind his pull with the other hand, but again in vain, even using the wall as leverage with his feet. He then tried to open the fingers clasped around his wrist, but there was no movement. He was stuck, like a horsefly on a sticky trap.

After several more attempts, Mr. Satan had no other choice but to ask, "Can you please let me go?" He couldn't understand why he wasn't able to move a mere arm, but he blamed the alcohol.

"She asked you the same thing, but you didn't, so I won't." He kept eye contact. Gohan gritted his teeth, he was furious at the man and he had to use all his willpower not to punch the guy in the face. That would do more harm than good anyway, so he decided he'd better play his cards straight.

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