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Chapter 15: Baseball

Videl leaned against the lockers, waiting for her friends to arrive. She had left early this morning to escape the environment overshadowed by her ever-growing lascivious dreams. Thinking of the boy, she wondered what he had to take care of so suddenly the day before. She had her suspicions, though.

"Good morning!"

Videl looked up and saw Gohan walking towards her with a big grin on his face.

"You look exceptionally well today," she greeted him, raising an eyebrow.

"I feel great, compared to previous days at least." Gohan smiled at her, "What are you doing tonight?"

"What do you mean?" she asked, confused.

"As in, do you have anything planned or are you free this evening?" he said with a little twinkle in his eye.

Her eyes grew. Was he about to ask her out? The innocent boy who always seemed to miss all kinds of romantic encounters; the boy who didn't even notice girls flirting with him; did that boy ask her on a date now? She swallowed, "N-No, I'm free."

"Good!" he rummaged in his satchel and pulled out four tickets. "Here, these are for you," he said, handing her the tickets.

She accepted the tickets and examined them carefully. These were tickets to tonight's Satanists – Taitans baseball game, a game that many sports fans looked forward to. It was the baseball game of the year to be exact, sold out many months ago. Even her father, the main sponsor of the Satanists, couldn't get tickets anymore. So, maybe her expectations of his approach were a little too high, and while it wasn't specifically a date, it was still a really nice surprise.

"Thanks, how did you get these?" she wondered aloud.

"They are not mine, they are from my substitute. After I learned about the incident between you two yesterday, I was pissed, to be honest. So I confronted him and he told me the whole story. I still strongly disapprove of his behavior, but I believe it was indeed a misunderstanding," he looked at her intently, "Correct me if I'm wrong."

"I already told you, it was!" Jeez, how many times did she have to tell him.

"Alright, just making sure," his smile returned, "Anyway, he's really sorry and he gave you these tickets to make it up to you." A defiant smirk appeared on his face, "Of course you can choose who you want to take to the match, but this one," – Gohan took one of the tickets from her hand – "I call dibs on this one."

She playfully placed her hands on her waist, "And who says I want you to be there, hm?"

"I don't care, I just want to go," he still smirked, challenging her to go against it.

"Hey there!"

Both teens looked up from their conversation to see their two blond friends coming their way.

"Hey guys! Cancel all your appointments tonight," Videl said with a grin. "And Sharpener, please don't fangirl about this," she wishfully pleaded, but knew it would be in vain, "We're going to see the Taitans tonight!"


The square in front of the Satanists Arena was packed with excited people, divided by the colors yellow or red. The exuberant cheerful buzz was contagious, it even gave Gohan extra energy and with a big grin he walked amidst his friends. They got to the arena extra early, because it was common for all kinds of bands to give small performances before the game, and they didn't want to miss anything.

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