From Duchess of Norfolk to Duchess of Bedford Territory

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In 2298, when Lord Andrew Charles Howard abdicated in favor of his son, Lord Anthony Christopher Howard succeeded him as Duke of Norfolk Territory. He was close to 55 years old.

Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann had just turned 49 years old and she had already given birth to six daughters, four belonged to Lord Andrew Charles Howard, one belonged to Lord Richard William Carey and one belonged to Lord Charles Andrew Howard The Third and she had given birth to three sons, two of them belonged to Lord Andrew Charles Howard and one with Lord Richard William Carey.

Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann was grateful to turn in her tiara and give it to her daughter in law, Lady Alexandrina Charlene Howard nee Stuart when Lord Anthony Christopher married in 2300.

Until then she would be Duchess-Mother of Norfolk Territory but held the title of Marchioness of Pembroke Territory that would eventually be inherited by Lord Anthony's only daughter, Lady Josephine Karissa Howard in 2330 and she would be twenty years old exactly the same age that Lady Karissa became Marchioness of Pembroke Territory.

Lord Andrew Charles would go on to become Duke of Westminster Territory on Star Base until his death in 2330.

Lord Andrew Charles Howard would leave his Dukedom to his favorite grandson, Lord Andrew Charles Howard The Third who was born in 2305.

Lord Andrew Charles Howard The Second would only hold the title until his son, Lord Andrew Charles Howard The Third married Lady Victoria Elizabeth Howard in 2338, and he would inherit the title from his father and it would be their son, Lord Andrew Charles Howard The Fourth would inherit the Dual Dukedoms of Norfolk and Lancaster Territory, but Lord Andrew Charles would give his sister, Lady Victoria Susan the Dukedom of Westminster to govern.

Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann Howard nee Lowell and Lord Richard William Carey joyfully marry each other in June of 2300, with their children around them and 45 days later, Lord Anthony Christopher and Lady Alexandrina Charlene marry each other.

Lord Richard William Carey and Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann Howard-Carey nee Lowell governed Pembroke and Bedford together until her death in 2330 and his death in 2331. 


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The Alternate Heir to Dukedom of Norfolk Territory on Star Base 12Where stories live. Discover now