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DANNY decided that despite the ghost attack (or maybe because of it), he was having one of the best days of his life.

He got to fight at the side of The Red Hood(!!!!) and Red Robin(!!) which was like the awesomest superhero team up he’d ever taken part in.

It was also the only superhero team up he’d ever taken part in, but that was beside the point.

With the help of the other two vigilantes, it barely took five minutes for the three of them to incapacitate skulker and shove him in the thermos.

Danny twisted the lid of the thermos on with a smile, before turning to the other vigilantes, who were looking at him expectantly.

“So am I allowed to fanboy now?” Danny grinned, watching as Red Robin snorted.

Red hood huffed a bit too, before his body language turned more serious.

“When you got here at the beginning of the fight, did you happen to see a small kid? He’s got black hair, pretty short, and he was wearing a blue school uniform.”

Danny paused for a minute, trying to remember any civilians that he saw that looked like that when he first arrived-


The kid was Danny.

Red Hood was looking for Danny.

Why was Red Hood looking for Danny?

“Why do you want to know?” Danny probed. Danny had met a lot of people since coming to Gotham, but he was pretty sure he hadn’t ran into Red Hood yet.

Unless he met Hood’s civilian identity?

“He’s my-“ Hood paused, obviously rethinking his words. “He’s my friends kid.”

“Well if he’s a kid, why wasn’t he with his dad?” Danny played dumb, which wasn’t very hard for him.

“He was with another friend of his dads.”

“Then where’s his dad’s friend?” Red Hood was starting to look twitchy at Danny’s constant questioning, but Danny really couldn’t help himself.

Curiosity may have killed the cat but Danny was already dead so he could ask as many questions as he wanted.

“Well right now, he’s trying to find the kid. Do you know where he is or not?” Red Hood asked, obviously anxious to find the kid.

“Yeah! He was in the line of fire when the fight started so I dropped him off on a rooftop. Anyways I’ve gotta run, see ya later Mr. Red Hood, Mr. Red Robin.” Danny waved at them before disappearing, rushing to a nearby rooftop to transform back.

Danny slipped the thermos into his backpack, sitting down on the rooftop and preparing to act like he’d been there the whole time.

It only took a few minutes before Danny heard the sound of a grapple line, watching as Red Robin pulled himself over the ledge, feeling a slight shock at the sight of Roy clinging onto him like some sort of overgrown koala.

“Danny!” Roy said, quickly rushing to Danny’s side and grabbing his shoulders with strong arms.

“Hey Roy! Hi Mister Red Robin! I saw the fight! It was super cool!” Danny said, still bouncing with adrenaline from the fight. “Where did Red Hood go?” Danny asked, looking between the two of them.

It was weird. Red Hood had definitely been more invested in finding Danny than Red Robin had, but he was nowhere to be seen.

“Red Hood had… things to do.” Roy said, almost hesitantly, avoiding Danny’s eyes.

But why-

And then everything clicked.

Roy’s avoidance of talking about Red Hood, his  abnormal strength, the way he knew Jason, why Red Hood had been so hesitant to call Jason his friend and his desperation to find Danny, it all came together to form one big picture.

Red Hood… was Roy Harper.

It all made sense!

Red Hood was known for being close with prostitutes, so that was probably how he met Jason.

Roy wasn’t anywhere to be found during the fight because he was fighting, right alongside Danny.

Roy was so obviously a vigilante, Danny could kick himself for taking so long to figure out.

Danny froze with realization.

Roy Harper had a crush on his dad.

Roy Harper was Red Hood.

Red Hood had a crush on his dad.

How the hell was Danny going to give a good shovel talk to the god damned Red Hood?

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