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DANNY wasn’t wrong very often.

He was smart, wise, and had experienced a lot of things in his short life, and that experience usually let him see straight to the heart of any matter.

This time though-

This time Danny was very wrong.

Jason spluttered across from him, obviously as lost as Danny was.

“What- how- Why!?” Jason’s eyes met Danny’s. “How do you even know what a prostitute is? Do you even know what a prostitute is?”

“What do you think I am, stupid?” Danny asked, raising an indignant eyebrow.

“You’re seven!” Jason threw his hands in the air.

“Oh yeah, I keep forgetting that.”

Jason ran a hand through his hair, pushing it back.

“Why did you think I was a prostitute?” He asked, his confusion obvious in his voice.

“You’re super secretive about your job, you work super odd hours, you never worry about money, and you’re pretty good looking. It was definitely more obvious than vigilante.” Danny laid out all his evidence, and Jason looked a bit stunned at it.

“That… actually makes a lot of sense. Maybe I should start using prostitute as a cover job.”

“But you aren’t a prostitute.” Danny said, just to make sure.

“No I am not.”

“You’re the Red Hood.”

“Yes I am.” Jason affirmed.

“How did that happen?” Danny asked, curious about his dad’s origin story.

“We’ll first, I was Robin. I took the mantle from Dick, who was the first.”

“So you’re the Red Hood and you were the best Robin too?  You never told me you were secretly cool.”

“Oh please, I’ve always been cool- wait, the best Robin?” Jason redirected halfway through the sentence.

“Oh yeah totally! Well at least in my opinion. Tucker really liked the third Robin cause he was smart, Sam liked the second Robin-you-too, and Valerie liked the fifth Robin cause he has a sword. You were my favorite cause you felt the realest.” Danny explained, remembering the unnecessarily passionate debates in his friend group on the best Robin.

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