Chapter 1: The Beauty

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Harry slammed back another shot of aged whiskey. He sputtered, the taste strong on his tongue, but a smile plastered itself on his face. Beside him, on the rocks, Ron chugged a cheap beer.

"Oh! Ho! Thar' she blow! Birthday boy is twenty-one years old! Fill him with the finest mead! Then send him off to the troublesome sea!" They drunkenly sang.

"You're all terrible singers." Harry slurred, downing another shot.

"Hey! We're trying!" Hermione slapped him with her periwinkle tail.

"No, no, I just - I love you guys."

He tried to swing his arm around Neville's shoulders, but overthrew his velocity and ended up slipping on the wet rocks. A squeal escaped his mouth as he hit the water, hissing in pain as something sharp made a small cut into his maroon fins.

"Harry!" Luna peered over him. Neville lightly rested a hand on her leg and encouraged her to get away from the choppy water below.

"'M fine!" Harry yelled underwater.

He flicked his hand, and the water around him rose. His focus narrowed as he swam in the tube of water that jutted out. It deposited him back onto his rock, and he stopped the flow of magic, sending the water back down.

"Look!" Hermione pointed in the distance. "A ship!"

"Wonder if we could sink it and get more mead?" Ron pondered.

"Ron! No!" Harry shook his head. "Just use our magic to pull the barrels into the water!"

Ron rolled his eyes. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!"

They capped their bottles and threw them all into Hermione's net bag. The glasses clinked together almost musically. Hermione tied the sack around her waist and nodded at the rest of the group.

"Bye Luna!" They waved as they dove into the water.

"I'll stay behind!" Neville gave Harry an encouraging slap with his orange tail.

"Bye! Don't get into too much trouble!" Hermione spoke, winking at the pair. Neville blushed.

They took off, laughing as the water slapped their faces and breezed past their gills. Ron kept on shoving Harry with his blue tail, and Harry shoved him back. Hermione smiled at their childishness before joining in on the fun.

Before long, they were on the hull of the ship. Water dripped off Harry as he raised his head above the water. They grabbed onto the side, digging their hands into the little grips in the wood.

On the count of three, they all formed three spigots of water that slowly crept up the side of the ship. Harry peered past the rim of the ship and onto the deck. There, dancing with a flute against his lips and playing magically, was the most beautiful man Harry had ever seen.

His skin was pale and shone brightly like moonlight, with beauty marks peppering his face like stars. Wavy hair that was parted to the side and hung in a side fringe was as dark as the night's sky. He was lean, with broad shoulders and long legs.

A loose white shirt with the top buttons undone was tucked into black trousers that ended in brown, ankle-length boots. His tie was untied and resting around his shoulders, his cape was discarded on the floor.

"A toast!" One man yelled at the helm of the ship. "To five years of peace between our two kingdoms!"

"Five years!" They cheered.

Harry, still transfixed on the man, was gently shoved by Hermione. Hermione pointed to the five barrels of alcohol that were lined up against the back side of the ship. He reluctantly pried his eyes away from the beauty on the deck and focused on the kegs.

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