Chapter Three: Day Two

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The sun glimmered gold as it rose above the dark ocean. Harry yawned and stretched, preparing himself for the day ahead of him. His beloved would be with him all day long, and it was prime time to pull all of his moves on Tom.

Otherwise, he'd die.

Then again, what's the use in living if he doesn't have Tom?

A knock disturbed his daydreaming of Tom. Harry opened the door to see Tom with a wonderful dark-green robe around his shoulders. His button-up fit him snuggly, pulling at the curves of his pecks, and his pants hugged his legs to show off the lean muscle underneath.

"You look very nice today." Harry managed to spit out.

"I try my best. Do you want me to get you a robe of your own while we are out? Personal servants are permitted to have them." Tom began to walk away, Harry in tow.

"I would love that. You're such a sweetheart." Harry gently nudged Tom. Tom nudged him back.

"Stop it," Tom replied with a dazzling smile.


They glided through the castle and onto the front of the grounds. Awaiting them was a gilded open carriage with a grey stallion at the front. A stout man helped both of them into the carriage.

"Are we going anywhere specific?" Harry asked as he wiggled closer to Tom.

Tom contemplated for a second. "Mh, we'll take you around the capital, stop by a robe shop, I want to take you to a favourite restaurant of mine... otherwise, we can do whatever we want. I have the day cleared."

The stout man pulled on the reins, and the horse set off. Harry now finally had the chance to fully take in the surroundings.

The clean streets bustled with life. Harry watched in awe as people just went about their day. There were so many shops, the aroma of delicious food wafting through the air, and gentle breezes running through his hair.

He leaned against Tom and sighed. Tom leaned back, placing a hand over Harry's that rested on his leg. Inside, Harry giggled.

"There," Tom pointed over to a dark, wooded shop. "That is my favourite robe shop."

Tom and Harry were let off, and they set off for the shop. Inside was a wonderland of a shop with lots of different robes of all shapes and colours.

"Prince Tom! What a pleasure to meet your acquaintance! What may I do for you?" The old shopkeeper asked.

"Ollivander, my personal servant needs a robe. May you point him in the right direction?" Tom presented Harry to the shopkeeper.

The man almost seemed to stare into Harry's soul, but he was sure it was just his imagination. Harry shifted uncomfortably under his supervision.

"Very well. You are a bit tanned; you have black hair and green eyes. I would recommend something maroon. And gold is normally the colour reserved for personal servants, silver for royalty." Ollivander informed him.

Harry stood on a small platform as he was measured. Ollivander would present a pre-made robe to him, shake his head, and then put it back down.

"No, no, no." Ollivander shook his head.

Then, after many robes had been passed, Ollivander's eyes lit up.

"Perhaps..." Ollivander sprinted to a back room.

He came back out with a gorgeous silk maroon robe with a golden lining. There were small, intricate little scales embroidered into the maroon. Harry wiggled with excitement after it was placed over his shoulder.

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