Chapter Two: Day One

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Everyone surrounded the cauldron. Harry danced with excitement, waiting for the moment the sun crested over the water.

"One minute, give or take., Neville announced.

"Just one more. Harry whispered to himself.

Ron's tail slapped the stone below them. "Harry?"

"Yeah?" Harry turned to him.

"Me and Neville have decided to stick near the surface in case you need any help. Take this conch shell. We've enchanted it so that if you speak into it, we can hear it if we hold it up to our ears. Make sure to check it often; it will keep your message until you listen to it."

Ron passed him a small, beige-pink conch shell. It fit into the palm of his hand, and when he put his ear up to it, the roar of the ocean could be heard.

"Thank you." Harry wrapped his arms around Ron in a tight hug.

"No problem. I'd do anything to keep you safe." Ron patted his back.

"Now!" Neville yelled back.

Harry didn't waste any time and dove into the cauldron. He fully submerged himself, and within seconds he could feel the changes. His chest ached, and his tail felt like fire. He whined, inhaling some of the potion.

His chest ached. The fire in his legs became a cutting sensation, and he could feel his scales flake off. A scream left his raw throat as his tail split in two. Harry bit his lip and tried to keep his voice down.

This was all for his love.

A hand yanked him out of the cauldron. As soon as he was out, he tried to take a breath, only for a pocket of air to be put over his head.

"You can't breathe underwater as a human." Hermione reminded him, her voice distorted.

"Thank you!" Harry stumbled out of the cauldron.

"Let's them get you to the surface. I'll stay down here and make sure the ritual is stable." Hermione reached out and hugged him. "Good luck on your quest for love."

"I will have my love!" Harry proclaimed.

Neville and Ron took him by his hands and swam out into the open water. They slowly guided him to the surface and then moved him toward the beech. Harry was quickly getting used to his new limbs and tried to swim to help them out.

He crawled out onto the beech to see Luna waiting for him. She presented him with a pair of 'trousers' and instructed him on how to wear them. They felt limiting on his shaky legs, reaching down to his knees.

"Now, to the castle . . .una started but was cut off by a yell.

"Nagini!" A wonderful voice yelled.

"That's the Prince!" Luna whispered. "Good luck, try to introduce yourself."

She sprinted to the nearby trees and watched Harry from afar. When he looked back, he could see Ron and Neville pointing behind a sandy hill.


Harry raked a hand through his messy hair, trying to make it presentable. He checked himself over, picking off seaweed and dusting off the sand.

Tom came into his sight. He was just as lovely as he had first seen. A sea-green button-up and black slacks adorned his body. A dark grey royal mantle with silver trimming hung from his shoulders. A worried expression, somehow still gorgeous, sat on his face. Harry and he locked eyes and Tom slowed down. He stood there, silent for a few seconds.

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