Chapter 4: Day Three

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Harry awoke in the morning to a scream.

"What do you think you are doing, Tom?" Princess Bellatrix's screeching startled Harry.

He jumped into Tom's arms, feeling threatened by her.

"What do you want, Bellatrix?" Tom groaned, snuggling into Harry.

"You want a servant? Instead of me? Fine. Fine. You will never be right, Tom!" Princess Bellatrix screamed.

"Get the fuck out, Bellatrix." Tom spat.

Princess Bellatrix stormed off, slamming the door behind her as she left. Harry frowned. What did she mean by "instead of me"?

"Ignore her; she will always be like that. She's crazy, I will tell you." Tom reluctantly withdrew from Harry.

"I'll say," Harry grumbled.

"Keep the shirt, Harry. I would love to see you in it another day. Today, we will be sneaking off to a cave I know and going boating. After we get Morfin and Bellatrix distracted, after all." Tom smiled at him, then winked.

"I would love to do that." Harry swooned.

"Excellent. Dress appropriately and trust my moves." Tom nodded to him as he opened the door to his room.

"I will!" Harry promised.

Harry ran down the stairs, almost falling a few times, and into his room. He changed out as quickly as possible, making sure to carefully fold Tom's shirt and place it at the end of his bed. He'd never get rid of it, never.

Patient, Harry waited at the bottom of Tom's stairs.

"Ready to go?" Tom asked as he arrived.

He was dressed immaculately. His robes were a leaf-green and his shirt a cream colour, with white alligator boots and light brown pants. He looked almost angelic in the light colours. Harry wondered what he'd look like in all-white, or all-black.

"Shall we depart?" Tom asked again.

"Oh—Oh, yeah, sorry." Harry closed his mouth.

"No problem at all, dear." Tom patted Harry on the cheek.

They went down to breakfast to be met with a fuming Bellatrix. Her servant sported a new bruise on her eye and glared at him with hatred. Harry just shrugged it off.

"Breakfast today will be steamed crabs, salad, and sugar wafers." A woman announced before dipping back through a door.

Harry salivated at the idea.

They ate quickly, and he and Tom were back in the music room before long. Tom's elegant fingers played on the keys so delicately. Tom helped Harry play the piano. Harry was still terrible, but he was trying.

Tom harmonised with him as he played, occasionally placing his fingers over Harry's to help him play the keys. Harry placed his head on Tom's shoulder and hummed. Tom's dulcet tones meshed with Harry's airy notes.

They sang and played into the evening, with Harry loving every second of it. Of course, all good things must come to an end, and they set off for lunch.

"So, Tom, what did you do yesterday?" Morfin's gruff voice met his ears as they ate.

Tom cleared his throat. "We bought Harry a robe, went shopping for some room decorations and books, then ate at my favourite restaurant."

"You did not go out to sea, did you?" Morfin glared at Tom.

"No, not at all," Tom said with a smile on his face.

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