Missing moment 9 and 10

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Season 1 episode 10

As JJ untied the phantom they heard a car pull up outside with a screech 'Pope finally' Kie said jumping down to the other side of the boat only to be met with Rafe

'Hey what y'all doing .. JJ' he said walking towards them backing Kie up

JJs head snapped up at the sound of his voice but his attention was on Kiara as he moved to try and get her out the way as Barry walked round the corner

'Hey now JJ' he said pulling his gun up to face him 'don't think I've forgot about you on the side of the road' he sneered 'I'm here for my fucking money' he said before launching himself at him

She bounced to try and intervene but Rafe beat her to it picking her up of the ground to the other side 'JJ JJ' she shouted to warn Rafe off him

'Listen Kie it's not you that we want okay...' Rafe started

Her anger boiled over 'I know what you did ... you killed peterkin' she yelled at him followed by a hard slap to his face

Something in his eyes changed as he lunged at her grabbing her by the neck.

JJ seen this and his blood boiled shoving Barry off him scattering the gun on the floor 'stay the hell away from her Rafe she has nothing to do with this' he stormed over ragging him of her landing his punch

As Rafe staggered back 'bullshit JJ your girlfriend here is with you so yes she is involved...' before attempting to start scrapping again

'Okay first of all she's not my girlfriend ... second of all you need to back the hell off Rafe' he said pinning him to the ground

Wrestling him to the floor 'JJ you don't have anyone fooled everyone knows you're in love with her so cut the crap and give Barry his money before he kills the lot of you' he shouted back

JJ was still for a second at what he had just said taking a very quick look at Kiara out the corner of his eye who was occupied with Barry and prayed she didn't hear that


As John B sailed off to find Sarah and Mexico the three of them turned back to the car as JJ walked off thinking it was pretty much done Pope turned to Kie

'I'm sorry Kie for being a dumbass ... I just wanna be friends again' he said apologetically

She smiled at him 'it's okay' she said before hugging him

As she leaned away she looked closely at him and she didn't know what took over but she leaned over and kissed him gently

It lasted of all 5 seconds but JJ turned round at the wrong time to witness it in front of him. He sighed to himself first John B and now Pope because of course it was he thought to himself

His thoughts were interrupted by the sounds of sirens 'uh guys I hate to break up the party but we gotta go like now' he said she leaned away from him walking down the dock

Pope caught the look in his friends eyes and realised what he had just done and walked to him 'JJ man' he started

He shook his head 'don't Pope not now okay it's fine' he said ushering him to the car avoiding his gaze

'It's not fine bro I ... I know how you feel about her JJ ... listen I' he attempted but was cut off not just by JJ but the cops too

'Shut up Pope I can't deal with that right now' was all he said but he didn't miss the hurt look was still on his face as the cops surrounded him

Jiara missing scenes season 1 Where stories live. Discover now