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◍Can u help me? Please◍

Saiki's Pov

This day felt like any other, but I made it my mission to try that cafe. Alone. Sadly enough, I was not alone at that moment. Two familiar idiots were closely following behind me on my way to school, talking about God knows what.

When we were halfway there, I felt something jump on my back and wrap it's limbs around my neck and torso.

I couldn't read the thing's mind so she- I mean it, caught me off guard.

"Morning Ku!" - "Don't call me that, and get off me!" I was about to use my psychic abilities to fling her, but another voice spoke.

"Uhm... Saiki, is this your friend?.." Both me and the idiot on my back froze. She- it... slowly got off and slightly bowed her head towards my 'friends'. "Ah sorry! My name is (L/n) (Y/n), it's nice to meet you."

"Oh!.. my name is Shun Kaido, it's nice to meet you too!" The light blue haired small fry seemed nervous. Actually, I knew he was nervous. He looked down while fiddling with his fingers, blushing. His thoughts were very romantic despite this being their first ever encounter. That is giving me a weird feeling inside my chest.

"Hey girly! I'm Nendo, how do you know my pal?" - "Oh we've been best friends since we were 5!" 'We're not best friends'

"We may not go to the same school, but can I walk with you guys?" - "Oh yeah sure- SAIKI WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!" Needless to say, I walked off a while ago, hoping to get away from the disaster that had yet to come. Unsurprisingly they ran after me to catch up.

After 5 minutes of friendly conversation between the 3, we finally arrived at the school. "Well I'll see you guys after school!" She said with a big grin while waving. Kaido and Nendo did the same, catching a certain girl's attention.

"Good morning Saiki! Good morning Kaido and Nendo. Who are you guys staring at?" - "Oh! We met Saiki's best friend this morning, but she goes to another school." 'Damnit...'

Teruhasi was fine until she heard the word 'she'. She spun her head in the  direction that they were staring at earlier, only to see nobody standing there.

"O-oh she must of left already. What was she like?" She asked, still maintaining a smile.

The 4 of us began walking into the school while Kaido explained to Teruhasi on what (Y/n) was like.

'This is obviously gonna be a problem.'

*⁠.⁠✧Time Skip*⁠.⁠✧

Me and (Y/n) exchanged phone numbers the day before, so she had been sending me stupid memes nonstop. On my way to lunch, I could feel my phone constantly vibrating in my pocket.

After rethinking my life decisions, I hesitantly took my phone out of my pocket and checked to see why she had even been blowing up my phone in the first place.

The Thing

The Thing:






Hey guess what

Hey guess what bro


Bro guess what


Guess what

Guess what bro

Guess bro



'I'm so sick of her..'



The Thing:

I might die today (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)


What do you mean

The Thing:

My mom is gonna pick me up after school

I don't wanna go with her

Can u help me? Please



The Thing:

I promise I won't annoy u after this!

I'll even buy u coffee jelly



The Thing:



My heart skipped a beat after reading that last message for some unknown reason. I tried to shake off the feeling and continued my journey to the cafeteria. 'Yare Yare, I guess I'll have to see that idiot after school. At least I get coffee jelly this time.'

✧Sun 21/05/2023

A Different Kind Of Pain (Saiki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now