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◍"Was it something with your mom again?.."◍

(Y/n)'s Pov

Rays of sunlight peeked through the bedroom window as the alarm on my phone went off. It took me a little time to get up, but I did. I stretched my arms out and looked to my right.

My friend was still snoring loud as shit. But I won't complain, she was nice enough to let me live with her for now. I sluggishly got off the bed and stood up. "Yesterday was so embarrassing, I hope I don't run into Kusuo today..." I mumbled to myself while biting my fingernails. It was a habit.

Suddenly I felt someone slap my hand away from my face. I looked to see who it was, it's just Aoi. "I told you to stop doing that shit, it's gross and weird. Let's go make breakfast."

Even though I wasn't in the mood to respond, I put on my teasing voice anyway. "Aww, are you worried about me?" She rolled her eyes and began to walk away.

he reactions were always worth it so whatever.

*⁠.⁠✧Time Skip*⁠.⁠✧

This was the first time in my new life that I wasn't excited to see Kusuo. But I managed to somehow end up walking with him and his friends. I was so embarrassed, I couldn't even look him in the eye for more than a second. I hope he didn't notice.

Saiki's Pov

I noticed that (Y/n) was acting strange. She couldn't look me in the eye, she was fiddling with her fingers, and her cheeks were more red than usual. First I thought that she had a crush on Kaido, but then remembered her describing her type when she was at my house.

So she obviously wasn't flustered because of Kaido.. and Nendo especially. 'So... me? But she only jokes about liking me, she doesn't actually like me.. right?

Nah, I'm just being paranoid. But... It wouldn't be that bad of she had a crush on me. Let me not get ahead of myself.'

We arrived at the school and the classic idiotic duo waved her a goodbye. She did the same, not even sparing me second glance.

'..... Or maybe she's just mad at me and she doesn't know how to bring it up.'

(Y/n)'s Pov

"Whew I don't think he noticed. Now I just need to get to school and find Aoi." I was relieved that me and him didn't go to the same school. But then I heard the most annoying, life draining voice in existence.

"Oi! (L/n)!! What's up? Do you want a ride?" There he was, Aoi's boyfriend, driving slow on the side of me as I walked. I had no reason to hate him, but I just did.

"No thanks.." I would rather live with my dad than be in the same car as you.

"Oh ok then. Stay safe!" He sped off as if he was late or something. I rolled my eyes and just kept on walking. 5 minutes later, I arrived at my school.

I never thought that I would be happy to see this building but here I was. I walked in and went to my shoe locker.

"Hey (Y/n)!"

"Oh! Morning (friend number 52)! You weren't at school yesterday. What happened?"

"I should be asking you that, I heard you skipped. Was it something with your mom again?.."

"Yeah.. but I don't wanna talk about that right now. Girl, let me tell you about what happened between me and Kusuo."

"You mean that boring boy from P.K academy that you've been crushing on since forever? What about him?"

"..... Shut up. Anyway, yea so yesterday"

*⁠.⁠✧Time Skip*⁠.⁠✧

Finally, my boring class was over, I tried my best to pay attention but I kept falling asleep. Anyway, school was over and I sped walked all the way to my shoe locker, then I saw Aoi not in her uniform, waiting for me.

"Aoi! I've been looking for you since this morning, and I didn't see you in your boyfriend's car. Did something happen?"

"Yea, family issues. But I came here to walk with you anyway."

"Awwwww, how cute." Aoi scoffed and I began changing my shoes with a light smile on my face. "Oh and someone else is here too." I looked at her confused, wondering who she was talking about and hoping it's not who I think it was.

Surprise surprise... It was exactly who I thought it was, Kusuo. Again, I was not happy to see him. "Oh... Hey Ku." I turned my head back around to pay attention to what I was doing.

There were sounds of people chatting, walking, and lockers opening and closing, but silence between the three of us. Awkward silence...

"Uhm... Did something happen between you too?.." Aoi asked, a bit confused. After all my rants about Saiki, she expected me to be happy about seeing him. She looked mentally drained just by standing here.

I finished what I was doing and stood up, putting on a smile.

Saiki's Pov

"No it's nothing like that! Today was just boring." I felt like she was lying.

'But... She greeted me with a bunch of energy earlier' I knew it. She still couldn't look at me properly, what the hell did I do??

We walked out of the school building side by side with a ton of people around us. 'I still don't know what I said or did.. I'll ask her.'

"Hey." She flinched a little from the sudden familiar voice in her head, but she answered back telepathically. "What is it?" She didn't sound mad or anything but I was still a bit nervous. "Did I do something wrong?..." She seemed a bit shocked by my question, and looked at me from the corner of her eye. "No... You didn't do anything wrong, why do you ask?"

"Because.. you're acting kinda weird around me. What's bothering you?" She looked as if she was thinking for a bit before she grinned. "Because I like you stupid. Can you not tell?"

...... This is the third time that this girl was able to leave me speechless. My face was no longer expressionless. My eyes had widened and my cheeks were red.

The sly girl seemed to be enjoying my reaction. I was looking at anything but her as she cheekily smiled. "Well, I uhm...." I was silently begging for Aoi to say something, anything. But she had no idea we were having a conversation in the first place.

"....Stop messing around, jackass.."

✧Mon 22/05/2023

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