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I luv her sm bro


◍"So cute.."◍

Third Person

Saiki sighed out of annoyance to himself. Not because someone was annoying him again... Well kinda, but it was because he was walking to Aoi and (Y/n)'s place on a weekend.

10 minutes ago he was on his way to that new cafe he had been talking about since the beginning, but he got a call from a certain (h/c) haired girl, wanting to hang out immediately because she "misses him", Kusuo knew that was only the half truth, and that she had something planned.

When he got to the door of their apartment, he knocked. A minute later, Aoi opened the door in her work uniform with a frown, and bags under her eyes. When she noticed that it was Saiki, her expression quickly changed into a happy one.

"Saiki! You're finally here, I thought you changed your mind. Thanks for agreeing to look after her, I'll get to work now. Call me if you need me!" She grabbed her bag and sped walked into the distance, leaving the boy dumbfounded.

"Look after her"? "What is she talking about?" He muttered to himself as her walked into the apartment.

The apartment was really nice, he was kinda surprised that it wasn't burnt down yet due to the fact that (Y/n) lived there. It was dead silent, kinda making him uneasy.

He made his way to the room that the two teen girls shared, and pushed the already slightly opened door. Only to reveal a familiar girl in her pajamas, doing her hair on the floor in front of her full-body mirror.

The male psychic sighed in relief because he thought he was gonna get framed for murder or something.

"Tonight I wanna hear you screamin GIRRL!" Yep she was also singing and listening to music.

"Instead of you singing weird songs about sex, how about you hurry up and get ready?" The girl flinched from the sudden voice and turned around while taking off her headphones. Obliviously embarrassed.

"I hate you... And don't rush me! Beauty takes time."

"So does that mean you should be done soon?" He soundlessly snickered to himself as he walked over to the bed and sat down.

"What was that? You think I'm hot and you want me so bad? I don't blame you." He rolled his eyes at the girl's attempt to gaslight herself into thinking that her best friend has a crush on her. Cause he doesn't.. right?

"Why did you call me here anyway? I had something important to do ya know..."

"Don't be such a baby. I called you here because Teruhasanini wanted to hang out today. And you can tag along so we can put your dumb little plan in motion."

"That's... Not her name, and my plan isn't dumb, okay.."

"It isss! If you like me then ask me properly."

"Jackass, this isn't because I may or may not like you, this is because Teruhasi is annoying and you need to help me."

"Right right. Soo should I call off our date for next week?"

"First of all, yes. Second, what date??"

"Whatever, I was joking. Get out I have to change." Saiki sluggishly stood up and walked towards the door in no hurry, purposely making the girl annoyed.

"Speed your ass up or I'll shoot up your house."

"Look at you, threatening me as if I can't kill you right now."

"OooOo me so scared, Get out."

(Y/n) then stood up from the ground and scoffed when she heard a light chuckle from the boy.

*⁠.⁠✧Small Time Skip*⁠.⁠✧

"Shouldn't we be going now?" The pink haired boy asked, confused. The both of them were sitting in the living room, one more relaxed than the other.

"Oh about that... We're supposed to meet them at 7 pm. So we have time." Saiki began to sudge with rage. "Then why did you call me as if it was an emergency?.."

The playful girl put her finger on chin and tilted her head. "I did?... I.. don't remember." She muttered with a confused look, obviously trying to upset the pink haired boy even more.

He rolled his eyes at her stupidity. "If that's the case, why did you get ready so early?"

"Because! We have a date." She stated with the straightest face she could muster.

"...... What?"

"Well I mean, it's not an actual date. I just think we should go to that cafe you were talking about. Ya know, the one we were on our way to, but we got... Interrupted."

"You had me at the cafe part. Let's go now." The boy stood up from where he was sitting, his mood got lighter while thinking about coffee jelly. It was evident on his face, and the young girl noticed.



"Your face is cute."

"..Stop joking." She hummed at his response to her sudden compliment and walked past him.

"Why do you always blurt out random things? It's annoying, you're annoying." Saiki said then followed behind her.

"Is it wrong to say what I'm thinking? And if I'm so annoying then why do you still hang with me?"

"Woah, what's up with the sudden attitude?"

"....I don't know I'm just in a bad mood all of a sudden. Whatever, let's go!" She turned her head around and gave him a small reassuring smile.

He walked to her side and reached for her hand. Before holding it, he kinda hesitated, but did it anyway. The sudden warm feeling around her palm startled her at first. But she held his hand back with a sincere smile on her face.

"So cute.."

✧Sat 27/05/2023

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