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◍"Don't tell me what to do..."◍

Saiki's Pov

"So at the end of the day, she's in the wrong because everyone told her not to! And she suddenly got mad at us, because her boyfriend blah blah blah"

Since we got bored sitting at her house doing nothing, we decided to go for a walk. But now she had been going on about her dumb classmate that has a shitty boyfriend.

"Like, being depressed isn't an excuse for punching your girlfriend- are you even listening?"

"No." She narrowed her eyes at me, before speaking again. "Anyway," I couldn't listen to her babbling anymore, call me a bad boyfriend if you want, but she's annoying.

"But yah sucks to be her, I'm just glad you wouldn't do that."

"Says who?" She scoffed.

"You would push me infront of a garage truck?"


"Oh so you actually weren't listening? Fuck you."

"Fuck you too... I want coffee jelly."

"Didn't you have breakfast? Fatass."

"Says you."

"SHUT UP!" As our bickering continued, someone suddenly made an appearance. "Hey buddy! Aren't you supposed to be at school? Oh! Girly, you're here too!"

I flinched at the suddenly interruption, meanwhile Y/n ran to the ogre in excitement. "Nendo! I was confused when I didn't see you this morning! What are you doing here?"
'When did they get so close?'

"Oh, well I didn't feel like goin to school, so I decided to skip without telling my mom. What about you?"
'Is he trying to act cool to impress her?'

"Oh wow! Well I'm sorta in a similar situation.." 'It worked??'

They began chatting and giggling as if I wasn't even there. I stared at their backs as they walked infront of me, without a care in the world.
I didn't understand why I felt like there was whole in my chest. I mean, have you seen Nendo? I doubt he's capable of stealing anyone's girlfriend... But why was she so giddy with him, when she looked like she wanted to kill me earlier? I didn't like this..

As I was deep in thought, I felt someone slap my forehead. "Ow, that totally hurt."

"Nendo's gone, you can stop plotting to kill him now."

"That's not what I-.. what are you even talking about?"

"You look mad. I know jealousy when I see it." 'I would rather die than admit that.'

"I'm not jealous."

"Yes you are."





"I'm not doing this with you." She hugged my arm while laughing. "You don't have to be jealous Ku," 'Don't call me that.' "If I ever cheat on you, It would never be with Nendo. So cheer up!"

"Is that supposed to make me feel better?"

"Hehe, maybe... But seriously, you don't have to worry about anyone stealing me from you, I like you too much for that... And you might kill me." I couldn't help but almost laugh at her poor attempt to cheer me up... But I appreciated it regardless.

"Right, well I guess I was being an asshole today... I apologize."

"Whaaaa??? Is that an actual apology from Kusuo-"

"Be serious for once damnit." She gave me her usual bright smile, and I couldn't help but genuinely smile too.

"Don't tell me what to do..."


A Different Kind Of Pain (Saiki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now