Chapter 9

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Present Day

Jay didn't think about it often but he really was blessed. Finding Tess the first time had been nothing short of a miracle, a random coincidence that had put him in just the right place at just the right time but finding her twice, not to mention in such a similar situation... that couldn't be anything but fate. Which meant he had to be blessed. He didn't think he deserved to be, and he knew it wasn't for his sake but that was okay. What better thing to devote himself to than her?

He'd tried the job and that had never ended well, something he wished he'd figured out five years ago. Things could be so much different, so much better, but he couldn't undo the past and he couldn't keep trying to fix it. But he could make up for it. He would. And he was. He knew that, and he knew Tess knew that, he just had to make sure she never doubted it again. And he had to make sure he could keep it, could keep up with her; he'd never be on her level but he was going to make damn sure he got as close as he could. And it would be fun. Not always but they'd find the joy, just like they were doing now, cruising down a highway in Cuba, a country he had never expected to visit. He didn't even know where she was taking him but it didn't matter because Jay wanted to go. He wanted to go anywhere and everywhere so long as she was beside him.

Because she was worth it.

Who else could make curious, friendly and even disgruntled looking locals light up with just a flash of her smile, though as they drove through the next little town and that appreciation turned to excitement he started paying more attention, their familiarity his first indication they were close. She lit up too, an ease in her features he didn't see often anymore, though the more he looked around the easier it was to tell why. The town was old, weathered but colourful, and well loved, a place that probably didn't have a lot of money but boasted a hell of a lot of pride. He had an inkling where they might be but it wasn't confirmed until she finally parked in front a vibrant looking inn and honked the horn three times, two men almost immediately rushing out to grab her in tight hugs; he'd never met them but he'd seen pictures. Mateo was the younger, wild looking one and Dalian was the taller, broader and more composed one.

She'd brought him to La Luz.

The first place and the first people she'd ever intentionally built a connection with, one that clearly went both ways.

"Tessa! Mi angel de feroz!" Mateo shouted as he swung her around, though once he caught sight of him he quickly flung her towards Dalian and raced to shake his hand.

He reminded Jay of Ismail; young and full of energy, not untouched by hard times but undaunted by them.

Like her.

Unlike her he was not fluent in Spanish, something that became clear when he fumbled through his hello's, which none of them seemed to care about, the men easily switching to English but it still irked him. He watched telenovelas to practice but while his understanding was decent his ability to speak wasn't. It was the Arabic. The languages were pretty similar but the accents were very different and hard as he tried there were some words his tongue just didn't want to form. Another thing he was going to need Tess's help with.

Not right now though.

Actually being here was going to be good, trial by fire kind of thing, especially when they went inside and there was another round of welcomes, this time by Mateo's sister and Dalian's wife and their mother, Maria. A woman whose gaze lit up just like all the old women in Canaryville when she saw him.

"A new friend?" She asked slyly as she came to shake his hand, like the others surprised but excited when Tess slipped into his side, though none more than him when she introduced him.

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