chapter 3 [different lives lived)

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The final bell rings and everyone starts to pack up while the teacher at the front gives the usual "enjoy your day"

y/n is writing his last few notes of the class in his journal and finishes before stuffing it in his backpack. He stands up and heads for the door and let's his eyes wander as he leaves.

His eyes pass by her. Evelynn

He shakes his head and leaves. Remembering to keep his distance from now on.

Evelynn POV

I scroll through my messages to find Ahri and the girls to see if they wanted to go somewhere after school. Unfortunately luck was something not even I had control over.

Seraphine texts that she has work and won't be able to hang out with me after she's done. Kai'sa has dance practice. Akali said that she is with kayn and doesn't want to cancel they're plans. At this point I was getting desperate my last hope was ahri

And with that fucking-!

I completely crush my phone in my grasp with my shades have noticeable cracks now

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I completely crush my phone in my grasp with my shades have noticeable cracks now.

Putting the device in my bag I stand up from my seat and leave the classroom.

While leaving I catch a glimpse of him walking out of the school gates and stop myself in place.

He's co carefree while also being vigilant. I can't help but wonder what you're like behind closed doors.

Taking a right I walk down the streets with the run of the mill house slowly turning more fancy and high class. I soon enough walk into my neighborhood to see my home up ahead.

Large gates stop me before I punch in a code and they slowly open allowing me in before I continue my way to the front door. I stop in front of the doors and insert the keys before letting out a sigh.

"You can do this Evelynn..just greet them and go straight to your room." I say to myself and push open the door.

"Evelynn." A voice rings out immediately as I close the door behind me and a woman walks down the stairs. That woman being my mother. She is beautiful maybe more then that. I look down at the floor when she was a few feet from me.

"I see you are home good. Me and your father will be going out and I wanted to inform you that we won't be back until midnight." She says but dosen't look me in the eye, instead she busy toying with a mirror.

"Yes ma'am."

"Glad we understand each other my dear. Run along up to your room now..."

Her voice is drown out as she walks into another room leaving me with my head down. I couldn't look up. If I did then I'd be forced to see the disgusted expression when she sees my eyes.

I go up to my room and lock the door and throw my bag away before laying on my bed.

I don't say anything. I don't do anything. I hate it here. I hate my home and would rather be anywhere else but here.

I can't talk with my loving parents-those looks of disdain from them isn't worth putting up with.



I hum a tune to myself while swirling my keys to my house along my finger. I remembered that dad was gonna be joining mom and me for dinner since his boss let him leave early.

Soon enough I reach home and stop at the porch before inserting the keys and pull open the doors. The smell of something cooking in the kitchen catches my attention immediately.

My mom pokes her head out the table before sprinting over to me.

"Y/n! How was school dear?"

"Hey mom school was alright. Cafeteria is good but it was alright really. Also what is that delicious smell?"

I say giving ma a hug and she smiles up at me.

"Making your favorite for dinner." My eyes widen and I embrace ma again and lift up her small frame from the ground.

"Really mom? You're the best!"

"Y/n put me down!"

After that I seated myself at the kitchen table before my dad walks in. He shoots me a smile.

"Sup pa how was work?"

"The usual only this time they let me out early. Anyways" He sits down "how was school kiddo?"

"Cafeteria was clean. Classes are alright and the rest was normal" I said and mom comes in with plate and sets them down.

She kisses dad on the cheek before sitting down and dad looks at her amazed.

"Didn't know we we're having this? If I knew I'd be home much sooner." He says taking a bite already.

"Make a mental note mom. Food is his weakness." Dad nods to my words and mom gives a small smile.

"I'll keep that in mind thank you Y/n. But have you met any girls at your school?"

Evelynn flashes in my mind for a second and I shake my head no.

"First day mom not like I'm going to get friends out of the blue." I say taking a bite out of my food.

"With that attitude I don't think so either mister." Mom says looking slightly annoyed while dad again nods.

"She got you there kiddo. Still try and open up to kids you're age yeah? Maybe something might happen for the best."

I resist the urge to roll my eyes and instead continue eating

"Whetevur yoou say dadd."

"Don't talk with your mouth full."

His Ordinary and Her Warped Reality (Evelynn x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now