Walking dead girl

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We walk back to the dorm an hour after Harper left us

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We walk back to the dorm an hour after Harper left us. Miles is still angry at Dex for scaring her away but she's going to have to get used to hearing things she doesn't like if she's going to be living in Oakwood, the breeding ground of misogyny.

When I enter the room my eyes are immediately drawn to the little cubby she's created. I kick off my shoes as Tyler inspects her posters and pictures. "Woah looks like we've got another twin," He exclaims. 

This peaks my curiosity as I lean down, ducking my head so I can look at her wall. Tyler points to a picture of two little identical girls on a beach, eating ice cream. I instantly recognise Harpers blonde hair and button nose as she smiles goofily.

I wonder why she's here alone. I couldn't imagine being away from Emilio for anything more than a week, we've been inseparable since birth.

I don't react to the picture, instead turning around and heading to the common room with the boys following.  Every sunday we binge watch the walking dead on the big tv in the common room which means that everybody has cleared out, anticipating our arrival. 

People here are scared of me and Emilio, our reputation obviously proceeding us.

It's well known that my family is powerful and have links to the most dangerous organisations in the world so people assume we're violent and menacing. 

When in reality me and Emilio have nothing to do with it, we've never killed people like both my parents no doubtably have and we've never sold weapons or drugs, my mum was adamant about keeping us out of that lifestyle.

I don't mind though, if people want to give me special privileges and stay out of my way then who am I to stop them.

We watch the walking dead all day, not moving an inch from the comfortable sofa. I'm grateful that my rugby practice was canceled because of this storm because I genuinely can't be arsed.

"Let's get some food," Carter says, getting up and stretching. I grab my phone and look at the time which reads seven pm. It's strange that Harper isn't back.

"I wonder where Harpers gotten off to," Miles wonders, as if reading my mind. "Probably off playing with the younger years or petting a duck somewhere," Carter snickers, making fun of her childlike nature.

We all saunter to the canteen and sit down at our usual table before proceeding to eat enough food to feed an entire family for a week.

We stay in the canteen until the last possible minute until we run through the storm and back to the dorm. Once we get back to the dorm I start to feel slightly concerned when I notice Harper is still not here.

I don't and never have cared about any girls feelings, I'll break a girls heart and watch her cry with no remorse but I'm not that sadistic that I don't care about their basic safety.

My mum has always drilled into me the importance of looking after women and vulnerable people. She would always remind me and my brother about consent and speaking up if I see anyone that's clearly uncomfortable in a situation.

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