The creep

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"Fucks sake," I groan, patting my jacket pockets

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"Fucks sake," I groan, patting my jacket pockets. "I think I left my phone in the dorm," I tell the boys before darting back to the dorms as they head off to next period.

I storm through the halls, barging into anyone that doesn't immediately move out of my way and pull open the door.

Swiftly, I grab my phone off my bed and make my way back to the door when something grabs my attention.

Harper's bed which is usually pristine and neatly made is an absolute mess, crumbs and wrappers coating her once clean sheets.

Thinking nothing of it, I continue to the hallway when my eye is yet again drawn to the slightly ajar bathroom door.

When I hear the sound of gagging I decide to investigate, pulling the door open revealing Harper hunched over the toilet with her fingers down her throat.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I question angrily, memories of when doing shit like this almost killed my older sister flashing in my mind.

Harper quite literally jumps out of her skin, falling backwards from her hunched position.

"I-I feel sick," She stutters out, poorly attempting to lie.

"I just fuckin saw you with your fingers down your throat Harper," I reply, having no patience to listen to her lies.

Realising I might be speaking to her too harshly after tears start dripping from her eyes, I take a deep breath and calm down.

"Listen you can't be doing that shit," I tell her as I pull her up, only becoming more concerned when I feel how skinny her arms are.

"I wasn't doing anything," She still desperately tries to deny. "Harper I'm serious if you keep doing that I'm gonna tell someone," I promise her as I usher her out the bathroom.

"I'm sorry please don't tell anyone," She pleads in between hiccups. "If you stop, you have my word that I won't," I sigh as I put all the rubbish on her bed in a black sack, all this food now making sense.

"Sort yourself out and get to class," I order her, feeling like a parent as I walk back into the hall. I feel a twinge of guilt for leaving her but I know I'll be no help in comforting her.

 I feel a twinge of guilt for leaving her but I know I'll be no help in comforting her

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My leg bounces up and down nervously as I sit in the last period of the day, maths. The teachers voice fades into the background as my interaction with Carter replays in my head, the humiliation still fresh.

I don't know how I'm even going to face him again after he saw that. He's the only person on this world except my mother who knows and the worry of him telling everyone is unbearable.

"Miss Flores!" A voice shouts, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Miss Flores I asked you a question," The teacher says, her hand on her hip. "Ermm" I trail off, not even having listened to the last hours worth of things she's said.

She sighs before making another student answer, thankfully saving me from further embarrassment.

"What's up with you," Tyler whispers, nudging me with his elbow. "What?" I reply, pretending to be oblivious.

"You're completely out of it," He says, now looking me in the eye. I awkwardly avoid eye contact until the bell rings out, freeing me from my torture.

I rush out the class, just wanting to collapse on my bed.

"Harper," A monotone voice calls out from behind me. I turn, seeing that it's Lucian who's approaching me. "Detention." He says bluntly.

Ugh I completely forgot, wow could this day literally get any worse.

I silently follow Lucian, sensing that he's still mad at me as we make our way to the classroom where detentions are held. We open the creaky classroom door and enter the completely empty room.

Sitting on the opposite end of the classroom from Lucian, I pick at my chipped nails as we wait for the teacher to come.

"Phone away!' The teacher I recognise from my chemistry class shouts as he rushes into the room, spotting Lucian on his phone.

Lucian rolls his eyes and leans back in his chair, seemingly about to take a nap.

We sit in utter silence as the teacher marks through test papers for about forty minutes before Lucian abruptly stands up and heads towards the door.

"Going to the toilet," He calls back to the teacher, telling not asking. The door slams shut, leaving me alone in the room with Mr Thompson who immediately pulls himself off his leather chair and saunters towards me.

"How are you?" He smiles at me, leaning against the desk in front of mine. "Um good thanks," I reply awkwardly, never having had a teacher try an engage in conversation with me before.

"That's good," He trails off. "Any plans for the weekend?" He asks. "You look like the type that likes to get wild and party," He chuckles, holding unflinching eye contact with me.

"I'm probably just going to stay in and do some homework," I reply, ignoring his comment.

He nods thoughtfully, still staring at me. "I like what you've done here," He compliments, reaching out to stroke the little braid in my hair which I decorated with beads.

"Thank you," My voice comes out shakily, uncomfortable with his close proximity.

He finally returns to his desk, having time to mark two papers before Lucian finally returns. I spot the lighter he shoved in his pocket so I assume he went out for a smoke.

I stare out the window until Mr Thompson finally dismisses us. Lucian swiftly exits the room before I even have time to put on my bag, taking off down the hall.

"Wait! Lucian!," I call out, speed walking down the now desolate hall to catch up with him. He doesn't stop or even look at me as I walk next to him.

"Can you please stop being mad at me, I want to be friends," I tell him, trying to get him to look at me. "I'm really sorry for getting you in trouble, I'm going to make it up to you," I promise him.

This finally get's a reaction from him as he snorts, "How?" He says amusedly. I think for a moment, not being entirely sure of the answer myself.

"I'm going to help you sneak out to that party."


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