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I crash my lips onto hers, expecting her to immediately pull away but she doesn't, her lips melt into mine as I interweave my fingers in her hair

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I crash my lips onto hers, expecting her to immediately pull away but she doesn't, her lips melt into mine as I interweave my fingers in her hair.

I kiss her earnestly but gently, the gentlest I've ever treated a girl. I want her desperately but I don't want to rush her, I know she's inexperienced.

She makes a little squeak as I push my tongue into her mouth, deepening the kiss. 

The sound of the rest of the class approaching the tents intensifies as Harper pulls away, making me groan in frustration. 

I mentally curse everyone for interrupting us as people starts loudly filing into their tents. I look at Harper who's cheeks are now burning red and smirk when I look down and notice her thighs are clamped tightly together.

"Flores, Cruz! Get to bed," Our teacher shouts at us, noticing we're the last people still outside of our tents. I roll my eyes and stand up, extending my arm to Harper to pull her off the log.

I unzip my tent, briefly turning around to catch one last glimpse of Harper but when I turn she's already looking at me. As soon as we make eye contact she looks away, rushing into her tent.

I can't help but laugh at her awkwardness as I climb into mine.

I can't help but laugh at her awkwardness as I climb into mine

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"Luci!" I call out as I watch him climb in front of me.

It's the last day of the camping trip and it couldn't have gone better. Lucian has pretty much been attached to my hip, never straying too far away.

After our first kiss I couldn't get enough, we sneak off any chance we can get to go make out somewhere in the woods.

Our class is currently on a hike on a nature trail not far from the camp. All the layers Lucian wrapped me in must be restricting blood flow because I feel extremely dizzy as I sluggishly follow behind the group, struggling to keep up. 

"You good?" He asks, reaching out to stabilise my swaying body. "Here," He says, lifting his water bottle to my mouth and letting me gulp half of it down. 

"Thank you, I feel better now," I smile after a few moments. He walks beside me for the rest of the hike, never once complaining about my slow pace. We make it back to the camp as the sun sets. 

"Oh my god look!" I squeal, pointing to the sky. He holds out the palm of his hand into the air, watching as snow drops down onto it. 

"Alright kids, remember to wrap up and only come out of your tent if necessary," Our teacher reminds us, ushering everyone towards the tents. 

I mumble goodbye to Lucian as I make my way to my tent, my brain clouded and foggy. I think I need something to eat. All this exercise and hiking has drained the life out of me and with all the calories I'm burning I think I can spare a sandwich.

I turn around and head to the food tent, grabbing two cheese sandwiches out of the cooler and rushing back through the now violent downfall of snow and hail.

"Hey," I greet Miles as I climb into the tent, not having seen him all day. "I got you a sandwich," I smile, chucking it in his lap.

"Awh thank you," He says, continuing to scroll through his phone while unwrapping it.

I grab my pyjamas out of my bag, wanting to get comfortable before settling in and eating. I groan slightly when I notice I'm still wearing Lucian's huge hoodie. I take it off, leaving me in just my jeans and a tank top as I climb out of the tent, wanting to return it before I ruin it. 

"Come back quick, you'll get hyperthermia dressed like that," Miles calls out as I zip the tent back up and begin walking over to Lucian.

Still feeling faint, I bend down to unzip Lucian's tent when the sound of my name being mentioned causes my hand to immediately retract.

"Yes you do, Lucian Cruz finally likes a girl." A voice I recognise as Dexter says. "Harper is pretty fit I don't blame you," He laughs. 

This causes a little smile to spread across my face, the most pathetic part of me still craving male validation so I can feel pretty.

"I don't," Lucian's harsh voice seethes. "You know I only wanna fuck."

Tears prickle in my eyes as I slowly and quietly back away from the tent, dropping his hoodie on the snowy ground. He was just using me? I genuinely thought he liked me. 

You're an idiot Harper. 

I do this every time, I like a boy thinking he'll like me back but in reality no one ever will. I'm unloveable.

I curse myself for being so sensitive as tears now fully drip down my face. Just wanting to be alone and not have Miles question me, I wonder off into the woods.

I stumble through the dark woods, trying to find somewhere to sit whilst occasionally having to lean against trees to stabilise myself. Droplets of snow land on my bare arms as my body shakes from the cold night air.

A major sense of deja-vu hits me as my eyes start to fog over the same way they did when I collapsed on sports day. 

Knowing there's no way I can make it out of the woods in time to get help I accept my fate, letting the darkness take over as I tumble to the ground.

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