World War 3

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Taylor: It was just terrible...
Rachael: What?
Cassy: Taylor gave have a lap dance
Jen: Ha I'm not the slut!
Taylor: I think you've got fatter
Rachael: I can't fucking believe I'm saying this, but Jen's right. Your a god damn stripper and your making fun of her?
Taylor: At least I'm not a criminal!
Cassy: And I've just done nothing...
Jen: Yeah, right bitch! Your stole my god damn boyfriend!
Cassy: Oh come on, you dated for like two weeks! That doesn't even count as a relationship!
Jen: But I'm pregnant with his child!
Cassy: Don't blame me your a hoe!
Taylor: Like he said himself, having sex was completely up to you.
Rachael: Next time use a god damn condom!
Jen: I was in love!
Cassy: when your in love there is no "was" before it

Jace: Hey...
Every one looked at him in frustration.
Jace: I'm interrupting something... aren't I?
Taylor: Kind of...
Cassy: Well I'm happy you did because it was like a World War 3 up in here.
She pushed Jace's shoulder, turning him around so they could walk the other way.
Cassy: I think you... and I, should just get to class.
Jace wrapped his arms around her and of course being Cassy she squeezed him back, but quickly let go of him and walked away. Jace was confused because all she had given him was a pity hug witch was unlike her.

Jace walked to the table carrying his tray.
Jace: Hey is there something you needed to tell me?
Everyone else were either not at lunch yet or still waiting in line.
Jen: Um...
Jace: It shouldn't be awkward... you can tell me
Jen: ok... just don't freak out
Jace: Trust me I won't
Jen: Well... I'm pregnant... with your baby

Jace: What! You can't be! It has to be someone else's! No... not mine...
His face when from joyful to upset on an instant.
Jen: I haven't had sex with anyone else
She tilted her head looking down at her stomach.
Jace: Did you take a test?
Jen's head shit up.
Jen: I wouldn't just say I'm fucking pregnant! I checked like 6 fucking times!
Jace: I can't be a dad to my EX'S child!
Jen: You said you wouldn't freak out!
Jace: I didn't think you were PREGNANT!

Cassy sat down next to Jace with her lunch. She stayed silent.
Jace: Did you know about this?!
Cassy: Yeah
Jace: And your ok with it?!
Cassy: Its nothing I can fix.
Jace: I knew having sex was a bad idea. I should have said no
Jen: YOU had sex with ME!
Cassy: BOTH of you caused this!

Rachael and Taylor both walked over to sit down.
Rachael: It takes TWO to have sex
Taylor: I say she should get an abortion
Jace: Uh, YES!
Cassy: She's not getting an abortion!
Rachael: Yeah, she should be punished for what she did!
Taylor: It would make it a whole lot easier for all of us!
Rachael: Or she could put it up for adoption and have both of our ways!
Jace: No! Then people know I got her pregnant!
Cassy: Well you should have used a god damn condom!
Jace: Well it was one time, I didn't think anything would happen!
Taylor: I think Jen should get an abortion!
Jace: She IS getting an abortion!

Jen: Can't I decide for myself?
Everyone but Jen: No!
She slammed her chair and rain off crying. A life was now in her hands or should I say, stomach...

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