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Jisung closed his eyes as he held his Minho's hand tightly as the judge spoke.

"The court hereby declares that -"


Jisung had just dropped out of university. He was only doing business for his parents, but after telling them about how he felt they were okay with him choosing a different career.

He headed to Minhos apartment with his stuff that he had packed from his university dorm.

He sat on his boyfriends bed waiting for Minho to get home from work. But he was fidgeting with something in his hands as he was nervous to ask Minho for something he's wanted for a while now.

"Oh hey, my love," said Minho as he entered the bedroom.

Whilst Minho put his stuff away, Jisung wrapped his arms around Minho, and he snuggled into his boyfriends back.

Minho turned around and lifted Jisungs face up and gave him a small peck on his lips.

"What's wrong?" said Minho as he noticed Jisung was quite nervous.

"I- I want -" hesitated Jisung as he struggled to form a sentence.

"I want a baby," he managed to say

"Okay, let's make one," joked Minho as he pushed Jisung onto the bed, getting on top of him.

Minho placed soft kisses on Jisungs face and slowly trailed the kisses down to his neck, slowly sucking on the skin and leaving faint red marks.

"Minho I ~" moaned Jisung

Minho began to unbutton Jisungs shirt but was suddenly stopped.

"What happened?" Asked Minho

"I'm serious. I want a baby," said Jisung as he caressed Minhos face.

Minho pushed Jisungs hands away from his face and got off him. He sighed as he sat on his side of the bed.

"You do realise that we are both men," said Minho with a slight patronising tone.

"i know," said Jisung as he looked down, now fiddling in his pockets.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you, but why now?"

Jisung said nothing and pulled out a bracelet from his pocket.

"You still have that?"



"Third-year students and First-year students will be partnered up with each other for the baby project. Boys and girls will be mixed to develop good parenting skills in the future. This project will be graded as a part of the students' personal development portfolio." Announced the lecturer "This is your final project as the year is ending, good luck. "

"I remember when we did this in the first year," groaned Hyunjin to Minho

"Yeah, you dropped the baby," laughed Minho

"Hey, that was an accident," replied Hyunjin with a defensive tone.

The lecturer handed each student a laminated card, which had a number on it. Two people who have the same number will be partners for a whole month for the project"

"I got sixty-one," said Minho

"I got eleven," replied Hyunjin.

Each student had to lift their numbers up in the air so they could find the other person. Minho was darting around the whole hall, but no one had 61. He turned around to go talk to the lecturer but bumped into someone standing right in front of him.

"Watch it short thing," Minho spat

"Sorry, I believe you're my partner," replied the squirrel-looking boy

"Nah, I am six -"

"Nine, it's nineteen," said the boy, turning the upside-down sign in Minhos' hand the right way up.

Minho snatched the sign back and walked up to the module leader.

"You said boys and girls will be partnered up, but I am with a boy."

"There have been more boys than girls in this course this year, so you will have to stick with your partner."

Minho groaned, walking back towards Jisung and taking a seat next to him as the introductory session started.

"I am Lee Minho, a third-year business student who is going to be co-owner of Lee Generations."

"Hi, my name is Han Jisung, I actually don't want to work in any company, including my fathers."

"I don't even understand this project," Minho said as he shook his head, "they introduced it three years ago when I started. They should stop it now."

"Minho Hyung, how often do you see your parents?"

"pfft I was raised by the house w-"

"worker," said Jisung, finishing the Minhos sentence.

"So was I," he added, "That's why this project is important because it helps us develop as parents."

Minho just nodded, understanding what Jisung had said.

"Then let's be good business parent-ers," said Minho, reaching his hand out. "Get it, partners, parents,"

Jisung giggled at the older hand, shaking his hand.

Each partner was given a digital bracelet that had tasks for them to do to look after the baby doll. During the month, Minho and Jisung created a special bond with each other, causing Jisung to be more comfortable around Minho.

When the project was over, Jisung decided to open up to Minho.

"Thanks for being a good parent-er, it helped a lot with my anxiety. I had my mind fixed on the tasks, and I didn't even need my medication during the month. "

"You have anxiety?"

Jisung nodded, looking down, feeling slightly ashamed.

"Hey, I'm proud of you," said Minho, tilting Jisungs head up to face his own.

"I think i am ready to have a baby of my own." 

"Maybe one day in the future, i know you would be a great dad," 

Jisung took this opportunity to press his lips against Minhos.

The older man was hesitant at first but kissed the younger back. He took Jisungs bottom lips in his mouth, gently sucking it, causing Jisung to open his mouth and allowing Minhos tongue to enter.

Jisung placed his hands around Minho's neck, pulling him closer to his body and deepening the kiss only to be pushed off with Minho backing away.

"Sorry Jisung, I'm not gay,"

"But you kissed back?"

"It was just a natural reaction," said Minho before leaving the younger on his own.

Later that night

Jisung opened the door, revealing Minho, who had been soaked by the rain. His eyes were red, it seemed like he had been crying. Without warning, Minho pulled Jisung into a kiss. It was a very sloppy and distasteful kiss as all Jisung could taste was the alcohol that lingered in Minho's saliva. Once they pulled away, Minho rested his wet forehead against Jisungs.

"I'm sorry Jisung, I love you, I fucking love you," he said before kissing the younger again this time gently and slowly.


baby - MinsungWhere stories live. Discover now