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"I didn't think about a baby since we finished the project, I was just clearing my old university stuff and found the bracelet," said Jisung, holding it tight in his hand.

"Well, we can't adopt due to the law, but if the child is biologically one of ours, then we can keep it."

"How?" asked Jisung

"Surrogacy," said Minho. "That way, the child is biologically one of ours, so we can keep it."

"Where will we find someone who would do that?"

"There are people out there," said Minho as he shuffled closer to Jisung, placing his hand on his back, gently rubbing it.

"Also, when can I meet your family?" asked Jisung as he laid down on his stomach, making a cute face with his chin in the palms of his hands.

"I just don't want you to feel overwhelmed because you come from a small family baby,"

"But it's been over a year, and I haven't met Felix since we finished high school," whined Jisung

"Oh yeah, I forgot you and Felix were best friends, I could've met the love of my life sooner if I wasn't busy in uni."

Jisung began to blush. He got up and began hitting Minho with a pillow towards. "Stop changing the topic"

"Okay, okay," Minho said as he grabbed the pillow. "This Friday you can come to my parents' house, we'll stay at the weekend."


Minho and Jisung stood outside the door with their arms linked together as Minho rang the bell.

"Oh my baby," his mother pulled Minho into a hug as soon as she opened the door, causing Jisungs arm to unlink from Minhos. She smothered him with kisses as he moved his head away.

"Eomma!" He protested, wiping away the kisses.

"Oooh, is this my future son in law" she said, smiling at Jisung, who was still standing outside.

"Come inside, my dear," she said, taking Jisungs hand and walking him through the door.

Jisung awkwardly stood beside Minho, holding onto his arm just to be pushed away again as Mina came running "OPPPPAAAAA" she screamed as she hugged Minho

Jisung got slightly jealous as he didn't know anyone besides Felix. He grabbed onto Minhos hoodie, pulling him away from Mina. He mumbled 'mine' very quietly, but Minho heard him.

"Ji, she's my cousin Mina," laughed Minho, finding the youngers jealousy cute.

"Awh is this your boyfriend?" she squealed, pinching Jisungs cheeks. "He's adorable."



Jisung let go of Minho and ran to the freckled boy, hugging him tight. Suddenly, both boys felt tugs on their shirts as Hyunjin pulled Felix and Minho pulled Jisung.

"You guys have a jealousy problem." Mina laughed. "No one's taking anyone's man,"


"Wait, repeat that again," said Jisung

Both boys were sitting with their legs crossed, facing each other on Minhos bed in his old room.

"Okay, so we have my Dads brother and his wife. They have a daughter, Mina, who is my cousin. Then we have my mum and dad, who have two sons, me and Felix. Then there's Hyunjin he moved in because he's dating Felix." Minho explained."This will always be my house, so if you ever want to stay here instead of our apartment, you can"

"Not just yet, I'm not used to too many people," Jisung replied as he fiddled with the sleeves of his shirt.

"Mina is the only girl she's like our sister,"  Minho said, adding emphasis on sister.

"Why'd you say sister  like that?" Jisung replied, imitating Minho.

Minho pushed Jisung onto his back, hovering over him. "I heard your little mine, jealous much?"

Jisung got up, pushing Minho onto his back as he sat on his lap with his legs on either side of Minhos' thighs. "Says you, who pulled me away from your own brother," he said, leaning closer to Minhos face.

Before Jisung could move his head back up, Minho grabbed him from the back of the neck, pulling him dangerously close.

"Dinners ready!" Mrs. Lee called from downstairs

"My dinners already here," whispered Minho as he stole a kiss from Jisung.

"Yah!" Jisung said, taken back by the sudden kiss smacking Minho on the chest.

As everyone was eating, Minho was telling his family about how him and Jisung wanted a baby.

"We were planning on looking for a surrogate," Minho explained

"I'll do it," said Mina

"We were just telling you about our situation not asking you," said Minho

"No, I want to help you guys out, god knows how long it will take to find the right person. Also, if Jisung and I are the donors, then the baby will have some of Minhos' genes, too. "

"Are you sure it's a big-"

"Yes, it's about time this family had a baby I really want to be the cool rich aunty" said Mina "also I'll be under your and my parents care, if they are not home then I have Felix"

"And Hyunjin," Hyunjin added

Causing everyone to laugh

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