10 - The End

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The 2nd part of the hearing was about to begin, Chan was called up to the stand.

"Mr. Christopher Bang in a written statement Mr. Lee said he had come to you as soon as he found out about Dae."

"Yes, your honour, Minho came to me around six in the morning. I helped him try to track Ms. Kim down, but we had no success. So our only option was to wait for her return." Chan stated

As Chans turn was up, it was finally Minhos turn to testify.

"Mr. Lee Minho, you are here to gain custody of Kim Dae. "

"Yes, your honour, Ms. Kim abandoned a baby that's a form of neglect, and she didn't show up until a month later."

"Mr. Lee, do you work full time?" Sara's lawyer questioned

"Yes, I do,"

"So I assume you'd be getting some sort of help raising a baby, which is a full-time job."

"How is this? This is even relevant to anything," Minho protested as he started to get mad

"Overuled," the judge spoke

"Your partner will be the one taking care of Dae, but he can't be the legal parent because -"

"Excuse me, I'm not here to discuss any type of adoption. I know Jisung isn't able to adopt Dae and be his father legally, but Dae is biologically my child, and im here for custody over him." Minho stated,"and who helps me raise him is none of your concern."

Minho was dismissed from the stands, and the jury began the discussions.

A few minutes ago, the jury had passed their forms down, and it was handed to the judge. Jisung closed his eyes as he held his Minho's hand tightly as the judge spoke.

"The court hereby declares that the custody of Kim Dae will be given to the father, Lee Minho,"

Jisung and Minho hugged each other tightly as they both cried happy tears. Chan patted Minho on the back, who was still hugging Jisung.

"I want to see Min-Jun now," Han pleaded

"You mean Dae," said Chan

"No, I like Min-Jun better. That's the name my Minho chose."

Minho looked at Chan with a smile.

"I will get paperwork done for legal name changing," Chan said, smiling back.

Eventually, a female police officer walked in with Min-Jun. He was wearing a white shirt with black overalls on top.

Jisung pushed his arms out, gesturing for the baby to come to him, which he immediately did.

Min-Jun cried as he attached himself to Jisung, causing him to start crying too.

"Appa is so sorry baby, I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you," Jisung sobbed

Minho pulled the two together, hugging them as he placed a kiss on Jisungs head and then Min-Juns.

"Can I at least say goodbye?" Sara asked as she approached the fathers.

"No." Jisung said bluntly as he moved further into Minhos' hug.

"Please, 7 months plus, including my pregnancy, isn't nothing, Jisung." she pleaded as she started to sound desperate.

"You can't touch him and stay where you are," Minho replied.

Jisung held Min-Jun close but turned him around, so he faced Sara.

"Bye, Dae, mama still loves you," she sniffled.

Min-Jun just smiled and babbled random stuff towards her.

"You're not his mum," Jisung said quietly as Sara left.


Jisung sat on the couch with Minhos arm around his shoulder as they watched Min-Jun play with Felix and Hyunjin on the floor.

Felix had Min-Jun sat on his shoulders as he made scary noises pretending to chase Hyunjin around who was dramatically screaming.

"Hey, you look worried?" Minho asked Jisung

"It's just... Junie smiled at Sara, and what if he -"

"Jisung, he is still a baby" Minho said as he put both his hands on the youngers face turning it around to face his own "Sara carried him 9 months and raised him for 7 months, so he's going to have some sort of bond with her but when he gets older he will not remember any of that"

Jisung nodded in response, Minho pulled Jisungs face, which was still in his hands closer.

Minho just looked into Jisungs eyes, not moving, causing Jisung to lean in and give Minho a quick peck.

Before he could move away, Minho pulled Jisung back in, planting a gentle but longer kiss on his lips.

"Aaahhh, Min-Jun, cover your eyes," Hyunjin said dramatically as he placed his hands over the babies eyes

"Not in front of the child," Felix scolded Minho and Jisung

"Who Hyunjin?" Minho responded as Hyunjin was behaving like one.

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