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It had been a week, and Sara hadn't shown up yet. Minho didn't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing. He knew she was planning something to get him and Jisung to break up, which would not happen.

Minho and Jisung decided to take Min-Jun to visit his family. As soon as they walked in the door, Min-Jun was taken by Felix.

"OMG, HES THE CUTEST!" squealed Felix as he hugged the baby, squishing him.

Min-Jun didn't cry, but he had a shocked expression on his face as all these people began to gather around cooing at him.

"You're all scaring him," said Minho as he took his son from Felix.

"He looks a lot like you," said Minhos mum as she pinched Min-Juns nose.

Minho nervously laughed in response, Mina saw that Minho was acting a bit strange.

"Can I talk to you?" she asked Minho

He nodded as he passed Min-Jun to Jisung and then followed Mina into the kitchen.

"Don't tell me you did some illegal shit to get the baby,"

"No, he's mine biologically,"

"How?" She questioned him, raising an eyebrow

"Me and..." Minho looked around before saying the name "Sara, " he whispered

Minas eyes grew in shock. "What?! Does Jisung know?" She whispered, screamed

He shook his head no.


It had been 3 weeks, and Min-Jun had become close with Minhos family. He loved his aunty Mina and Uncle Felix. Jisung was planning on when Min-Jun could meet his parents once they come back from Malaysia. Everything was going well.

Jisung was lying on the bed, lifting Min-Jun in the air.

"I love you," said Jisung as he played with Min-Jun

"Appa papapa," replied Min-Jun with some baby blabbering.

"Say smelly Minho," whispered Jisung as he laughed.

Min-Jun just stuck his tongue out, blowing a raspberry at his dad. Jisung giggled, bringing Min-Jun down so their noses were touching.

*knock* *knock*

Jisung sat Min-Jun on his chest as he checked the time on his phone. He was confused as to who it could be as it wasn't time for Minho to come home from work yet.

He held Min-Jun on his hip as he opened the door. It was Chan and Minho with 3 other police officers behind them. The atmosphere suddenly shifted. Jisung knew something was wrong. He pulled Min-Jun closer as he slowly backed away.

"Jisung baby, can i please have Min-Jun?" said Minho as he carefully approached with his arms open to Jisung, who was still backing away.

"Nooo," he whined as he was about to cry, hugging Min-Jun onto his chest. The baby was also scared as he saw 3 unfamiliar faces, so he hid his face in Jisungs shoulder.

Jisung backed up into a wall. There was nowhere he could run to. He was going to have an anxiety attack, which he had not had in a long time. He slid down the wall, still grabbing on to his baby.

"Jisung, you have to cooperate with us," said Chan as he went to take Min-Jun but got a slap on the hand instead from Jisung.

"Minho, stop him, please," he hyperventilated

"Baby, you have to listen to Chan hyung he's here to help," Minho tried to explain

"NOOOOO LEAVE MY BABY!" screamed Jisung this time, pushing Chan away with his foot.

"Minho, I don't want the other officers to use force," said Chan

Min-Jun started crying as he tried to bury himself further in his dads shoulder to hide from the commotion.

"Stay away from my baby, please leave us alone," pleaded Jisung.

The 3 officers came in, 2 grabbed Jisung pulling his arms away that were wrapped around his baby, and the other was trying to pull Min-Jun off.

"APPAAA" screached Min-Jun as he grabbed onto Jisungs collar, not letting go.

"DONT TAKE HIM!" screamed Jisung, who was struggling to get himself out of the officers grip.

"Hey hey hey be careful," Minho protested as one of the officers was grasping hard on Jisungs arm.

"I got him, so back off," said Minho as he pulled Jisung away from the officers embracing him as Min-Jun was taken away.


Jisung was curled up into a ball on his bed, and the room was filled with Jisungs sobs

"Ji, we will get him back," said Minho as he sat on the bed.

"You said we can't keep a child unless it's biologically one of ours," cried Jisung with his face still buried in his chest.

"He is biologically mine,"

Jisung slowly got up and looked at Minho.

"I didn't cheat on you, I didn't even know I had a child," explained Minho as he told Jisung the rest of the story.

Jisung jumped into Minhos' arms, crying even harder. "Please get our baby back, Min."

"I will, I promise," replied Minho, hugging Jisung tightly.

baby - MinsungWhere stories live. Discover now