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A month had passed by, Minho and Jisung had collected their evidence with the help of Bang Chan and made a case.

There had been two trials, and only Minho and Sara had stated what had happened at the party and Sara's pregnancy.

Today was the final hearing. This determined who would gain custody of Min-Jun.

"I know you guys will win," said Felix as he pulled his brother and best friend into a hug.

"I want you back in this house with that baby, do you understand?" said Mina, who pushed Felix a side, hugging the two boys before saying goodbye.


Both boys held hands as they walked into the courtroom. They sat at their designated seats, still not letting go of one another.

Sara was up first as she walked to the stand.

"Kim Sara, you state that you do not approve Lee Minho, the father of Kim Dae (Min-Juns legal name), to have any contact."

"That's right, your honour," she said. "He was never in baby Daes' life in the beginning, so I don't know why he wants to come now and play happy families."

"That's not true I-" Minho protested

The judge slammed his hammer down. "You can speak when you're up in the stand, Mr. Lee"

"Also, he is gay so legally, he's not suitable to look after Dae or any baby."

"How is that relevant to the case, Ms. Kim" Minhos lawyer spoke.

The judge slammed his hammer, dismissing Sara.

Minho looked angrily at Sara. How could she think like that. He turned to look at his boyfriend, who had tears in his eyes. Minho gave Jisungs hand a small squeeze as the younger got up to go to the stand.

As he left Minho's hand, he felt uneasy as Sara walked past him, smirking as she sat at her seat.

"Han Jisung, you claim to have found Kim Dae outside your door." The judge stated

Jisung was a nervous wreck. He was shaking and scared to speak, so he just nodded.

The court was silent, waiting for Jisung to speak, but he couldn't. He looked at Minho, who gave him a smile and mouthed 'breathe'.

Jisung took a few deep breaths. "I found Min-Jun when i -"

The judge slammed his hammer down, causing Jisung to jolt as he got scared. "Min-Jun?" The judge questioned

"Oh, um... we named him Min-Jun because we didn't know anything about the baby. "

"If you didn't know anything about the baby, why didn't you go to the police?" Sara's lawyer asked

"No, I thought Minho hyung got him for me, but i-, I-"

"How would Mr.Lee 'get' a baby? It's not something you can buy, is it?" The lawyer questioned

"I just... um..." Jisung became hesitant he looked at Sara, who began to laugh. Jisung didn't know what got into him, but he just began to speak everything in his mind.

"Listen, we were trying for a baby for quite some time. We were unsuccessful with our surrogacy, I was in a state of depression and when I saw MinJu- I mean Dae, all of that stress went away. I was too happy to think about where he came from, I thought Minho hyung found a way for us to have a baby." Jisung stated,"and where was his so-called mother Kim Sara when I was looking after Dae for over a month?"

The judge dismissed everyone for the break. Jisung made his way to his seat. Minho smiled proudly at him and placed a small kiss on Jisungs forehead.

"Well done," he whispered

"I- I need to step outside."


Jisung walked as fast as he could towards the doors, exiting into the hallway. He placed his hands on his knees, bending over slightly as he breathed in and out heavily. But his heart was beating so fast that it felt it was going to pound out of his chest.

Suddenly, he felt a warm hand on his back, causing him to straighten his posture. He turned around to see Minho, who was clearly concerned.

"Min-ho hy-ung..." the younger said with an unsteady breath. "I thi-nk i-im hav-ing a pan-ic a-attack"

Jisung buried himself into his boyfriends embrace, trying to hide himself. Minho gently shushed him and drew small circled on the youngers back.

"You're doing so well, just breath slowly in and out for me" he said guiding the youngers breath, he didn't know what he was exactly doing as Jisung hadn't had a panic attack like this since they were together.

But whatever he was doing seemed to work as the younger began to pull himself away from the hug.

"I'm so proud of you," the older said as he rubbed Jisungs arm.

"I failed so badly in the beginning," he replied

"Yeah, you did," a voice was heard before Minho could even respond

"Sara just back off or else -" said Minho

"Or else what? Is that a threat, Mr. Lee?" she snarled."Be careful with what you say, or I can use it against you. "

Minho ignored her as he continued to tend to his boyfriend, causing her to eventually walk away.


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