14. Departure from Edoras

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People are bustling and rushing, while other people gather outside the Golden Hall. "By order of the King, the city must empty. We make for the refuge of Helm's Deep. Do not burden yourself with treasures. Take only what provisions you need." Thilia is packing things into bags on Boromir's horse in the stables, when Gimli came in with the others. "Helm's Deep! They flee to the mountains when they should stand and fight. Who will defend them if not their king?"

Thilia rolled her eyes at Gimli's statement, and accepted a sweet kiss from Boromir as he finished what Thilia started. "He is only doing what he thinks is best for his people. Helm's Deep has saved them in the past." Aragorn argued. "There is no way out than that of ravine. Théoden is walking into a trap. He thinks he is leading them to safety, but what he'll get is a massacre." Gandalf argued.

"Théoden has a strong hold but I fear for him. I fear for the survival of Rohan." Gandalf said stopping next to Thilia as she held some things as well as a saddle for Legolas and Gimli's horse. "He will need you two before the end, Aragorn. The people of Rohan will need you. The defenses have to hold." Gandalf said gesturing to Aragorn and Thilia. "They will hold." he argued. Gandalf turns to Shadowfax.

"The Grey Pilgrim. That is what they used to call me. Three hundred lives of men I've walked this earth and now, I have no time. Good luck. My search will not be in vain. Look to my coming, at first light, on the fifth day. At dawn, look to the East." Thilia was confident they would survive, setting her hand on Aragorn's shoulder she squeeze and reassured him with a nod. Walking away when she saw some men struggling with a horse.

In the stables, a horse rears. Two men with ropes try to control him. But they are too aggressive with the scared horse, so Thilia approaches. "That horse is half mad, my lady. There's nothing you can do. Leave him." a Rohirrim man said but she raised her hand to shoo him, Thilia speaks to the horse in Rohirric, Draconic and Elvish. She takes one of the ropes and it stops rearing. One of the men leaves. Thilia unties it from the bridle. 

She continues speaking softly and the horse becomes gentle. The other man leaves. "Fæste, stille nú, fæste, stille nú. Lac is drefed, gefrægon." (Fast, quiet now, fast, quiet now. A battle is stirred up, they heard.) she says in Rohirric as she pats his nose, "svabol ui dout ominak?" (What is your name?) she adds in Draconic. Èowyn who was helping someone else and watching assumes that Thilia is wondering the horse's name and answers. 

"His name is Brego. He was my cousin's horse." she says as well as telling the red head the horse's previous owner. "Brego? Ðin nama is cynglic." (Brego? Your name is kingly.) she says shifting to elvish, as it is the softest of the tongues that she speaks. "Man le trasta, Brego?" (What troubles you, Brego?) Man cenich?" (What did you see?) she finishes as she is openly petting the creature and soothing him as much as she can.

"I've heard of the magic of Elves, but I did not look for it in someone like you. You speak as one of their own." Thilia softened, knowing what the young woman had gone through, and knowing she didn't need Thilia's rough manner of speaking now, "I learned from my stepfather, harsh as he was in my perfecting of the use and speaking of his language, he never really got mad if I made mistakes. He did insist that I speak as properly as possible for the elven courts." she said,

"They were not as forgiving as him," she said, Brego nudging her with his nose to get her attention as Èowyn stood next to them also giving the big horse attention. "Turn this fellow free. He has seen enough of war." she said and then let the young woman handle the now calm animal.


Gríma rides up to Isengard. Inside Orthanc, Saruman listens. "Gandalf the White. Gandalf the fool! Does he seek to humble me with his newfound piety?" Saruman hisses. Still angry about what happened in Edoras with Gandalf and the red haired woman. "There were five who followed the wizard. An Elf, a Dwarf and two Men. And a strange woman I've never seen before." Gríma explains as he dabs at his mouth with a cloth. Saruman sniffs the air near Gríma, 

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