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Moving in was a hassle, that was for sure, but it was also very rewarding when I had moved all of the boxes into the livingroom. I came to Massachusetts from the west side of California, and I was finally away from everything and everyone. Life here, from what I've seen so far, is very different then in Cali, and I know it's gonna be hard to adjust. The climate itself is already different. It's cooler, and has more wind, and it SNOWS here!! Like can you believe that?!

Anyways, the town I'm moving I to is called Clearwater, believe it or not, only a hundred or so miles from Salem. I actually plan to go visit, seeing as, while I'm here I might as well get festive with all the witch and ghosty things. Just because I myself didn't believe in them, doesn't mean that I couldn't enjoy things and people who did.

I had went out to get a few groceries, and now I was pulling into the driveway of my new house. Well...new to me, at least.

The house itself was a very old, dark Victorian era building. It was dark mahogany and black stone, built I to certain parts. There was also a mix of dark walnut as boards for a patio roof. There were black stone stairs leading up to the houses platform and then you came up to the solid concrete porch, which I plan to build a deck over.

The house has more then a few kinks here and there, like for example: It has multiple leaky faucets, a pipe or two is broken in the kitchen so I have to use paper plates until I can fix the pipes so I can do the dishes, the water heater can never hold good pressure or it turns ice cold in a matter of minutes, (so I've been told by the landlord reading off the list of bad qualities),  and I think he said something about a small family of mice; which I don't mind, I actually think mice are pretty cute, when they're not crawling into your bed at night.

I got out of my car, an old but in tact black Subaru, and popped the trunk to get the groceries out of he back. I put them all on one arm and slammed the trunk closed so it latched, then, I started walking up the steps.

I moved here between the transition of summer to fall, so it was a cool evening and there was a slight mist creeping from behind the forest, caused by the moisture.
It crept and crawled at my feet as I walked to the old, mahogany door. I grabbed the black metal handle and turned slowly, ignoring how the dragon door-knocker seemed to be watching me, or, it felt like that at least. I pushed the door open and it cracked open with an errie creak that drawled on forever. "Home sweet home," I said with a smile, shutting the door with my foot and being in complete darkness.

I searched for the light switch and when I found it, I flipped it on and the dark kitchen was covered in a bright white light.

I glanced around the room. Almost everything was black or a dark brown, and I decided I was gonna have to add more color. The only thing remotely colorful, was the white tile floor.

I set the groceries down on the counter, and started humming a small song I had heard on the radio.

I was putting lunch meat away into the fridge when I heard a scratching noise. I stood still in confusion, and looked around. Nothing. I shrugged and went back to arranging the fridge. My friend Madlen was coming over to see the place and help me set up my bedroom, then him and I were going to watch a few movies, have a few beers or something and then probably fall asleep. Madlen likes creepy houses- and I have a creepy houses- so, put those two together and we're best buds.

Suddenly there was more scratching, this time, at my feet. I jumped up and swung myself back as far as I could and the scratching continued to where I was going. It let was freaky, I'll admit. But then I remembered the mice family my landlord told me about.

One good thing about this place? I don't have to pay rent. Me fixing the place up is my monthly payment and once this place looks brand new, it's mine. I appreciate it, really, and my landlord is really nice, so it makes it even better because she says it's good that I have such high hopes for this place because of the speculations' of it being haunted and such. Personally, again, I didn't believe that, but I can't deny all the weird things that people that lived here have encountered either. I guess you would call me a sceptical believe or natural, I honestly don't even know where I fit in. I'm open to the possiblity. Who's to say that just because I haven't seen it, that they don't exist? It's whatever though, I'm just here to make the most of what I got. Before I could reach for the next bag of groceries, my phone started ringing. "Hey Madlen," I greeted over the phone.

"You're in Lakewood? Let's see from there to Clearwater...uhh...bout' thirty or so more minutes," I said, reminding him of the time it takes to get to where I live. (Another reason he would be staying the night.)
For a moment, I strongly wondered whether or not to remind him that a GPS existed. "Hey Mad," I decided to tell him. I heard him give a hun of interest over the line. "You know there's a GPS in your cars system...right?" I struggled to not laugh at his forgetfulness. God if it wasn't for me that boy would've lost his head a long time ago if it wasn't attached to his body; but that's just how Madlen is, and I loved him for it.

He muttered a curse under his breath before he took started laughing. I couldn't hold it in anymore and chuckled at his memory. "I'll see you soon man, yeah, okay bye," we parted and hung up.

I started humming and started putting the groceries up again, this time completing the task. "I guess I could clean up a bit," I said to myself. I talk to myself. Like, alot, but Madlen says it's part of my charm. (Which isn't true, I just talk to myself because I don't like silence, and living alone, there's a lot of silence.) I sighed and went to get my broom from the side of the silver, stainless steel fridge, only to realize it isn't there anymore. I looked around and confusion because I hadn't moved it in the two minutes I had been on the phone. I suddenly caught a glimpse of the bright red handle and laughed at myself, face palming. Another reason I didn't make fun of Madlen's short-term memory was because in truth, mine wasn't that much better. Better it may be, but definitely not better by much.

I crossed the kitchen in long, quick strides, picking up the broom and scolding it for moving, like it was a habit. And in truth, it was. For me, anyways.

I swept the floors, swept the livingroom and vacuumed it, then I went over once with the Swiffer before deciding the kitchen and living room we're good. Madlen was coming over to hang out and help me set he place up, so in truth, he would probably stay more then tonight. That and we haven't seen each other in a year or two with him going to college in downtown Greenville an hour away from Clearwater. It would be a fun experience.

I looked around the first level of the house once more, the kitchen, livingroom, and two guest rooms. The two guest rooms were going to take a lot of work, but they were relatively clean. The kitchen and living room we're as clean as I could get them without Madlen and his expert cleaning abilities. I sighed and sat down on the black bean bag chair in the corner of the livingroom, about the only peice of furniture I had set up as of currently.

Despite the semi-bad reputation this house had, I just think It was a bunch of speculations'. Because from what I'm seeing, the house is beautiful, it just needs some TLC and it'll be good as new.

I was tempted to take a ten minute nap, but before I could even begin to lull myself to sleep, there was a knock on my front door. Three times, heavy, evenly paced, and from the sound of it, the perosn who was knocking was using the black granet dragon doorknocker. I jumped to my feet with a smile and practically ran to the door, tearing it open. And of course, standing there in all his every-so-missed glory, was my best friend Madlen.

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