Blood Water

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"No, not about the town, about the house," Madlen corrected. I rolled my eyes as I started setting up my posters and pictures. "You should've been more specific, okay uhh...god there's a lot of them." I sighed, stepping down from the step stool. "Okay, well, back in the 1800's, a family with two sons lived here. Now this family wasn't the first to live here, and all of the other family's that did, either died by freak accidents or ran away and never came back. This particular family bought the house in 1876." I walked over to my dresser and closet which were right by each other and started putting my clothes away as well as my work uniform. "Now at this particular time, the house was actually more Victorian styled and didn't have the stairs outside, but, it did however, have an attic." "Oh no," Madlen said from the bathroom, fiddling with what sounded like his tools. "What are you doing," I asked in confusion. "Dude your sink needs some serious tweaking, the pipe is all wrong, if you run water down it it'll flood and ruin the cabinet underneath," he explained. Glad he caught that, I didn't even notice, I shrugged, moving over to unpacking more boxes and sorting my things into piles.

"So, not long after the family moved in, they began hearing unexplainable knocking and scratching coming from the roof- or what they thought was the roof anyways. The two sons had the room closest to the attic, and the youngest son, he naturally grows curious," pausing, I looked around my room for the hangers. After finding them I continued. "The youngest son, who weirdly enough had trouble sleeping at night, learned the pattern in which the tapping and scratching would begin." "Let me guess," Madlen cut in, "three a.m.?" "Nope, but good guess." "Damnit," he muttered. "The knocking would start at eleven, and as the hours got later and later, it began almost fading into a soft rolling round, and at two, the scratching would start. Well, this one night, when the scratching started, the youngest decided he was gonna find what it was." "Never a good idea," Madlen points out. "Never a good idea," I agree. "So, after an hour of looking and finding nothing, the boy returns to his room, feeling more then confused. Only to find, there was something unusual about the roof in the corner of his side of the room. He got up, grabbed a flashlight, and pointed it at the corner, being extra careful to not wake his brother up. He found that there looked to be a small crawl space in the roof, and, like and curious twelve year old would do, he decided to make a door out of the plaster covering the crawl space." "Okay, wait one second- so, he's twelve and doing this alone? Is he suicidal or something?" I chuckled. "Who knows? Anyways-" "Hey dude, before you continue, can you help me with this sink real quick?" "Yeah sure no prob," I dusted my hands after getting up.

Walking into the bathroom, I find Madlen on his knees with a wrench in his hand, trying to unscrew a bolt. "I've got almost everything done, but in order to fully fix it I need to disconnect this water line to fully turn the pipe, then reattach it so that it's not tangled anymore, but it's gonna spray most likely so can you get some towels and place it on the wood?" I nodded and went and grabbed a few towles. I sat them around the pipe and the bottom of the cabinet, and waited for Mad to do his thing.

"You might wanna stand back, this might get messy," he grunted. I did as told and watched as he gave a final turn and the bolt came undone, and he was right. It did spray. Only, the water began turning a ruby red after seconds. "Urgh! Ew that shit got in my mouth!" Madlen said standing up and backing.uo towards me. The water sprayed  outwards, and it soaked his shirt, and now it was running across the white tiles. " is that blood," I asked as I stared at the grossly red water. My heart was beating out of my chest and my adrenaline was rushing through my system, the water seemed to be getting redder every passing second. Madlen turned to me, his own eyes wide with shock, and I must've had a freaked out look on my face because he gave me a nervous smile. "Relax, the pipe was pretty old, it's probably rust that got in the water from the pipe." "Is rust supposed to be that, red?" I grimaced "It happens sometimes when it's in contact with certain chemicals, and seeing as you're on city water, it was probably a chemical in there. Here, you stay here and I'll go turn the water off and see if I have a new replacement for your entire sink pipe. " "Yeah...yeah okay," I nodded staring wearily at the "rusty" water. 

Madlen exited the room to turn off the water, and I very carefully, stepped through the flooding mess on the floor.

While I trusted Madlen with my life, something in my gut told me that that was not rust. Sighing, I just sat down on the toilet seat cover and waited. To pass the time, I looked around my bathroom, and, my the toilet paper holder, there seemed to be a marking? Engraving? Moving the toilet paper, I find in a heart, the engravings of two initials J and L, which, was odd, but then again, this house has been abandoned for awhile and some homeless couple probably stayed the night here or something. It would definitely explain the broken windows..

"Hey, I'm back!" The sudden appearance of Madlen startled me so I slightly jumped, but laughed upon seeing it was him. "Good, the water stopped." Looking down at the floor I quirked a brow. In my interest of the initials, I hadn't even realized the water flow had stopped. "So, I do have the parts to fix it, but, I think we'll wait for tomorrow to do that, because if this is rust- which I'm sure it is!" He hurried to assure, "then there must be a source in the pipes, and sense it was only this bathroom that did this, I think I may be able to fix the problem with my snake, but for now, let's clean up this floor and have a boys night, we definitely deserve it," Madlen said. I sighed, yet nodded all the same. "Yeah, I'm definitely down for a beer." Getting the surprisingly dry towles out of the cabinet, putting it on the floor and stepping on it to let the fabric absorb it. "We'll do the rest in the morning, I'm dying to catch up with you," Mad whispily sighed and.threw his arm around me as we walked out of the bathroom. Giving a fleeting look to the odd cabinet with the initials engraved on it, I flicked the lights off and shut the door behind me as me and Madlen walked downstairs to the living room.

This is a very odd place so far but.... it's home now.

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