Day With Danny

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Getting out of bed, I saw Rider off before running upstairs and getting ready. Truth be told, I hadn't planned this out at all. Before any other ideas could come to mind, the first one that popped up was exploring the attic. I wonder if Danny would like that. I decided on wearing some blue ripped jeans and a black and red band-T with my platform converse. I brushed my hair and did my normal morning routine, and in the mirror, I noticed three scratches on my neck. Frowning I gently traced the red scratches. How did I get these? I didn't do anything, I thought to myself. Then again, I wasn't even sure I had to do anything to get the scratches with everything that's happened so far. Today was Friday meaning Rider and I had a date tomorrow.  Pushing that thought aside, I went downstairs to which I was greeted by Madlen's stare. "Why are you looking at me like I just murdered someone," I asked as I grabbed a piece of toast off of a plate he had prepared. "How did you get those scratches," he asked. I shrugged. "I honestly have no idea." He raised a brow at me but didn't press any further. "See you in a bit," I shouted as I walked out of the door. As soon as I stepped onto the porched a rush of chills ran down my back causing me to shiver.  I got in my car and texted Danny, letting him know I was on my way. granted, I told him around noon, but I was bored. I finally remembered my way to Danny's house, and he was just coming out of the door when he saw me. 

Danny's house, much like mine, was quite the fixer upper. It was what looked like an old wooden farmhouse with a screen door. The porch had a lot of clutter on it but that was most houses out in the country. The mailbox was tilted backwards, and the land looked a bit rough, but it was a nice place overall. Danny got up to the car and smiled at me as he got in. "Morning" he greeted. "Morning," I replied as I turned around and began driving back down the road. "Okay so, last night me and my friends were looking around my house and I found out that I have an attic full of all this cool vintage stuff and I was wondering if you wanted to look through it with me? If not that's fine, we can find something else to do." I told him as I came up to a stop sign by the cornfield. "The attic sounds cool!" I nodded and turned the car down the road to head towards my house. 

When we got there, I turned the car off and Danny and I stepped out and shut the doors. "My friend Madlen is here, but he's cool and is just going to stay to himself the entire time," I informed as I opened the door. Madlen was knocked out on the couch, and I let Danny in. We went upstairs and I opened the hatch. "Wow! That's awesome," Danny said, his mouth opened wide as I climbed down the latter. "Pretty cool yeah," I smiled. "It's better than cool, can I go up there," he asked, his head switching back and forth from looking at the attic to me, astonishment written all over his face. "Yeah, go ahead!" I smiled and gestured for him to head up the latter which he hurriedly began climbing. Once he was inside, I followed him up and I chuckled at the star struck look on his face. "This is awesome," he said, a huge smile making its way onto his face as he walked around, looking at everything. "Do you wanna see the journal I found," I asked as I walked over to the small bookshelf that was covered in dust and cobwebs. "Is that even a question?" Danny exclaimed, making his way over to me as I pulled the leather-bound book from the shelf. I flipped it open and showed him the date it was first written in. "Holy crap," Danny whispered, grazing his finger over the pages as I handed it to him. He sat down and began flipping through the pages, seemingly more awestruck than me when I first found it. After flipping through a few pages, he looked up at me. "The person who wrote this lived here," he asked. I shrugged. "I have no idea, but I assume so. The only weird thing is that my landlord said this house was built in the mid 1800's, but he might have been wrong," I said, sitting down next to him. Danny didn't say anything as he flipped through the pages of the journal. "This is so cool," he said, handing the book over to me as he got up and looked around some more. "What's that chest," he asked, pointing to the black footlocker that I wasn't able to open. "I don't know, it's locked and I can't find a key." Danny hummed and sat back down, taking the journal before examining it. I watched curiously as he ran his hands over the cover, only to stop at the spine of the book and turn it around to see a key bound in the leather strands. A key I knew had not been there yesterday. Danny gently slid the key out from the twine and held it up. It was an old, dirty gold colored key with teeth at the end of it, something that you would see in a movie. The key handle had very intrigant designs, swirls and patterns that were mesmerizing. Danny ran his hand over the key and smiled as he held it up. "Do you think this might work," he asked, his gray eyes shining with curiosity and happiness. "Only one way to find out," I smiled, scooting back to allow him for access to the footlocker. Danny lined the key up with the lock before inserting it. It was a good fit, and it turned. Before we knew it were heard the lock being undone, although the noise was weird, almost like gears shifting. 

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