Our Little Secret

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I told my coworkers what happened, and they both kinda laughed, but as Lena was taking a customer's order, Rider walked over to the kitchen window, standing in front of me. "Are you okay? A fight like that, I mean, don't you think you might have gotten hurt?" I shook my head. "No, it was..." I tried to figure out how to word it. On one hand, I could sware that I wasn't in control, almost like I was being controlled. How did one explain that without sounding crazy? "I guess I just have fast reflexes," I lied with a shrug. Rider hesitantly agreed with a nod, but he didn't look so sure as he kept an eye on me the entire first half of our shift. Despite telling Rider I was okay multiple times, on our break he insisted that he check for any injuries. So, here we were. I was sat on the counter in the boy's bathroom as he inspected my hands. Letting out a sigh of relief, he finally let go of my hands. "Nothing but a little bruised," he informed me. (Though I had already known that). "See? I told you so, now will you stop worrying about me," I teased as I gave him a small smile. He lightly flushed. "Yeah, sorry about that- but we're you know- friends, and I wanted to make sure you were okay," he rambled, still standing between my legs. As I was listening to him talk, it took a moment for me to realize that he was no longer talking. Snapping out of my daze, I noticed we were staring at each other. An embarrassed flush lightly tickled my cheeks.  I went to turn my head, but I was stopped by a hand grabbing my chin. Gazing into Riders eyes, I noticed how pretty they were. They were a sky-blue color that made a sense of peacefulness wash over me the longer I gazed into them. Unlike me, Rider had dark hair, a deep brown, almost black color that contrasted nicely with his fair skin. My gaze traveled down to his lips. They were a flush rosy red and all of a sudden, they seemed all too inviting. My throat felt dry, my stomach jumping in circles. It was odd to be this close to him, but, in all honestly, I didn't mind...in fact, it was quite the opposite. 

"You...you have really pretty eyes," Rider complimented out of nowhere. "So do you," I responded. I adverted my gaze from his and his hand dropped from my chin to...resting lightly on my throat. "Look at me," Rider whispered in a gruff voice. Obeying, I looked at him, making direct eye contact that for some reason had me wanting to fold the second his eyes met mine. He stood between my legs and leaned in slightly, his eyes darting down to my lips before meeting my eyes again. Swallowing slightly, I nodded. We both leaned in and then our lips were touching.  It started out slow and sweet. As we pulled away slightly, we were only maybe an inch from each other when we dived back in, harder this time. Riders smooth, veiny hand gently wrapped around my throat, pulling me flush against him. I wrapped my legs around his waist, bringing us closer together than we already were. His lips were soft yet rough in their movements. Our lips moved in sync, matching the others pace. His left hand wrapped around my waist, holding me tightly against him. His tongue invaded my mouth and we danced together, tasting the other. Rider had a sweet taste to him with a hint of mint. He was addicting and I found myself running my hands through his hair as we made out. 

We pulled away, panting heavily. Once Rider caught his breath his lips attached to my neck. Licking, biting, sucking. "Ri..Rider," I whimpered unintentionally. Slapping a hand over my mouth, Rider groaned after I had said his name and moved the sleeve of my shirt off of my shoulder, sucking harshly at the pale flesh at the conjunction between my neck and shoulder, defiantly sure to leave a mark. His hands went to my waist, to my back, where he began untying the black uniform apron. He placed it on the counter beside us and began feeling up my shirt, running his hands up and down my torso, across my chest, then he gripped my hips. He pulled away from my neck to stare into my eyes again. This time, I made the first move. I grabbed the back of his head and placed our lips together in a fitting, warm embrace. 

Then there was a knock on the door.

"You boys okay in there? Break is almost over, get out here soon," Lena called from the other side of the door. Pulling away from Rider, we both panted as we placed out foreheads together, calming down from the feverish high we had just gone on. Rather reluctantly, Rider backed away from between my legs and allowed me to hop off the pearly white counter. I turned around to inspect the damage on my neck in the mirror and God, I wished I hadn't. My face became hot with embarrassment as I saw the red and purple hickies lining my shoulder. I saw Rider looking over his work in the mirror with a small, yet noticeable grin, giving an approved nod to himself. He came up behind me, reached over and grabbed my apron, putting it on and tying it back for me as I was dazed in all my embarrassment. "Thank you," I mumbled lightly, in which he replied with a bright smile. 

As we went to leave thew bathroom, I reached my hand out for the door handle, only for my other hand to be grabbed. "Wait," Rider said. Turning around I cocked a brow. "What," I asked curiously. Smiling, he leaned down and delivered a soft peck to my lips. "There, okay, now we can go," he smiled, opening the door for me. Putting on a normal face after taking a steading breath, we finally walked out of the bathroom to finish our shift.

Our shift had ended, and it was five in the morning. I was about to open the driver's door to my car when a voice called out to me. "DOMONIC," the familiar voice called. Turning around, I saw Rider jogging over to my car. I waited for him to get Infront of me, a flush immediately going to my cheeks still both shocked and embarrassed from what happened earlier. "Hey, what's up," I asked as politely as I could. Rider took my hand in his and kissed the back of my hand. "Will you go out with me," he asked, a hopeful glimmer in his eyes. "Like- like a date," I asked, just to clarify. Rider, obviously having fun with my embarrassment, chuckled. "Yes, like a date." Now it was his turn to blush. "Will you go on a date with me," he asked again to humor me. I nodded. "Yeah, I'll go on a date with you," I agreed. His face lit up with a smile and he pecked my cheek. "I'll text you tonight, okay?" "Okay," I smiled. 

After he left, I got inside my car, and once I was sure he was out of view, I screamed into my hands as I bounced my legs up and down in happiness. Holy shit, I did NOT expect that to happen tonight! 

I turned on the engine and began pulling out of the bakery parking lot when a shiver ran down my spine. 

I told you I would help you; the thought rang in my mind.

Stopping at the stop sign, I felt my breath hitch in my throat. I knew a lot of things, and one thing I defiantly knew, was that... 

That wasn't my voice.

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