Setting up

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Madlen was about a head taller than me at 6' foot or so. He had broad shoulders, but not the ones you see on body builders, like the ones you saw on a well-maintained man who knew how to keep himself together, something I couldn't do even if I tried. He had a tanned complexion but was still on the pale side and he had this silk black hair that was always tied into a low ponytail in the back, while the front of his hair remained aloof, but it added a rugged, tough look to him, and I all honesty, it fit him way better than it ever could me. I stood at exactly 5'11 and while I had muscles, I definitely wasn't close to Madlen. I was definitely on the pale side and my dirty blond hair (almost brown) was kinda a wash out due to my skin, but for some odd fit. I was like a little innocent schoolboy, Madlen had compared me to once, and even though I was nineteen, almost twenty, once again, it fit. Madlen may be a bit on the slow side, but he was usually always right.

"So, you finally figured out how to use your GPS," I asked with a grin, brushing my hair out of my eyes as I moved aside to let him in. "Oh shut up, you know I'm not good at technology," the green eyed male whined, stepping through the door and crossing the room over to the bean bag, and frowned. "Please tell me that you had enough sense to go and get food," he asked, looking back at me with a dissapointed frown. Sometimes, despite having grown up together since we were literal babies, Madlen acted more like a concerned brother then a best friend. Which, I can't judge, because at this point he really is more of a brother then anything.

"Yes, I went and got food, I was putting it away when you called," I stated with a roll of my eyes. "You have the table in a box upstairs don't you?" I nodded. "Yeah that's where everything that needs to be put together is," I sighed. "I told you that before you started driving here." "Shut up, I'll help you set it up if you help me carry it down," Madlen said, probably already picturing how I wanted the place set up. "You're itching to get the cleaning supplies, aren't you?" I poked fun at him. He was only five months older then me, but because of the way out birthdays were positioned, he was twenty and I was nineteen, which...really seemed to confuse people for some odd reason.

"So, you said there was some creepy legends about this place or something," Madlen said, though, it was more of a question. I pouted because he pointedly ignored my earlier tease, but I could see from the way he was putting on his gloves that he always kept in his backpocket, I had.been right and he was about to go Into a cleaning frenzy.
"Uhh, yeah, something like that," I said absent mindedly, a weird shiver running down my back all of a sudden. "Hey, there's a black duffle bag in my truck, will you please go get it? I'm gonna go crazy if I see another spect of dust." I snorted and turned around. I left the door opened because his truck was literally at the steps. How he passed his driver's test I didn't know.

Outside the house was quieter then inside. As I walked to the black Ford 2015, I heard Madlen curse at whoever had the house before me and I just snickered.

I opened the driver's door and grabbed his dufflebag from the passenger seat, rolling my eyes at the disinfected wips on his dashboard. Such a clean freak.

I closed the door and began walking back inside, when a noise stopped me. It was like a scattering of leaves on the sidewalk with a slight breeze, only I had racked and all the leaves were in a large pile in the back yard, that was fenced in. Not only that, but it was the beginning of spring and there weren't any dead leaves around anymore.

The sound started again, and it seemed like it was getting closer. I walked to the edge of the stairs and stared off into the darkness, squinting, I sware I saw something move in the shadows of the woods. I frowned for a second before shrugging it off and beginning to walk off, when the sound started again. I whipped around and I know for a fact I saw a shadow of something this time. I squinted again....and from the dull light of the house door being opened, I saw two small, yellow orbs peak from around the front bender of Madlen's truck. My eyes widened in shock and I felt a spike of fear shoot through me when a hard hand clapped down on my left shoulder. I snapped my head around to see a worried Madlen. "You okay man? I've been calling you for like, five minutes now," he said, his lime eyes filled with concern. "Wha...oh! No, no I'm fine. You know, just admiring the night in Cali, you don't hear them that much," I said with a sigh. It was probably nothing. It's my first time truly having a house of my own and living alone on top of that, I'm probably just being paranoid.

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