Just a Peek

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I held the hatch door open above me as I looked into the dark space. It was so dark I didn't know if my eyes would adjust, but I saw a patch of iridescent light seeping in through a small, octagon shaped window and everything began to become clearer. Cautiously, I raised the hatch even further, letting it fall backward to the attic floor. Light from the room illuminated the dark attic and I was able to see boxes covered in layers of dust. There were boxes and chests, old timey chests that looked like they belonged at the end of a queen's bed. Furrowing my brows, I got the courage to push myself up further into the attic, my entire upper body fitting into the narrow square entrance. There was even furniture up here! I could make out a couch and maybe an armchair or two. From what I could see they were old and worn, battered to the brim. I didn't know how they weren't falling apart. I lifted myself up into the attic, putting my foot on one side of the entrance and pushing my body back so that only my legs dangled out. Then I stood up and tested the floors. Creaky boards, but sturdy enough.

 When I got up, I realized my butt had made an imprint in the dust and I laughed, wiping what might still be on my pants off. I dusted my hands off and sneezed as the dust flew about. I walked around for a bit, simply examining the place. I kneeled down by the black chest I had seen earlier. It looked like it was stained wood painted black. The paint was chipping off as well as some of the wood developing cracks. It had a gold emblem as a lock. It looked to be a griffin, but I wasn't good with mythical creatures, so I was probably wrong.  I dusted the emblem off and tried to open it. It surprised me at the resistance it put up. I barely moved it a centimeter before my hands started hurting. Frustrated, I stopped trying to open it and instead went over to a narrow cubby that had books in it. I pulled a leather-bound book out and dusted it off. It had worn brown leather cord holding it closed. I untied the knot and gently slit to the floor, not caring about the dust anymore. I flipped through the pages, dirt and dust making me sneeze as it flew off of the pages.  I gently cracked the book open, careful to not tare the pages or leather more than it already was. My eyes roamed the beautiful calligraphy writing on the page before going to the title line and I physically gasped at the date. At the top of the page, it read Tuesday, November 10th, 1551. 

This journal was written by someone in the late 1500's! I thought to myself in astonishment. "Dominic? You okay up there," Rider called. "Yeah, I'm fine!" I replied as I closed the journal, still shocked by the revelation. I closed the journal and tied the cord back around it. I hesitantly put the book back into the cubby and left the attic. I sat down and got on the latter before reaching up and grabbing the door of the entrance, pulling it shut behind me and locking it when I got down. "So?" Madlen asked. "What did you find up there?" I looked between the two boys. "Some old stuff that was left here by previous house owners I assume, nothing special," I told them with a shrug. "Are you sure," Madlen cocked a brow. "Yeah, you were up there for a while Dom," Rider looked at me, his eyes soft with curiosity. "Yeah, I guess it's just weird. Some of that stuff looked like it was vintage." Madlen hummed in thought while Rider smiled. "We can look through all of it tomorrow," Madlen yawned. "Yeah, he's right," Rider agreed as Madlen dismissed himself. "Get some rest alright Dom," Rider smiled as he gently grabbed my hands, rubbing soft circles into my hands. "You too Rider." "Walk me out?" He asked. I smiled and nodded. I walked him to the door before grabbing his hand. "Rider, it's late, do you...just wanna stay over," I asked hesitantly, not wanting him to leave now that I've saw him. He searched my eyes for something. Not finding it, he smiled softly. "Only if you'll stay with me." I nodded slowly, gently letting go of his hand. "You have another spear bedroom," he asked. I nodded. I lead him to the first level guest room with a queen-sized bed in it. I had Madlen fix up the room just in case his sister needed to stay with us for a bit. Rider took off his shoes and socks and climbed under the covers and patted the spot next to him. I followed his lead and got under the covers with him. Before I could react, he grabbed my waist and pulled my flush against his chest. I blushed so hard my cheeks hurt. Rider rested his head on top of mine and held me against him. I smiled and cuddled into him, my eyes closing as I smelt his cologne. He smelt like fire and spearmint. Odd, but perfect. I closed my eyes and fell asleep like that.

I woke up the next morning with my head buried in Rider's chest. One of his arms were wrapped around me while the other was stuffed under his pillow to elevate our heads more. I muttered incoherently as I tried to go back to sleep, not ready to face today. Rider chuckling however, prevented that and without looking up at him, I asked, "What are you laughing at?" His fingers tangled in my hair. "You," he smiled. I hummed in reply and went to turn around, however Rider didn't let me and instead kept me pulled against his chest. "Rider," I wined, causing him to laugh at me. After a few minutes, Rider decided it was time he head back so I saw him off.

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