chapter 1

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i woke up to my dad yelling my name from downstairs.

"MADDIE!" he shouted and i rolled over immediately.

it was monday, i hated mondays. for two reasons. 1, monday started a new week. 2, monday was pay day for my dad. which means another week of hangovers and arguments.

i heard footsteps coming up the stairs and pulled the pillow over my head.
"get up maddie" my dads voice rang in my ears.
"5 more minutes" i groaned
"kid i already gave you five minutes, the cereal is downstairs ready for you" he said as he turned and walked away.

now i know what your thinking, a soc like me eating cereal for breakfast? not completely normal i know but ever since my mom died my dad has lost it. he uses our money for the cheapest food and booze. anything with at least 000.1% alcohol in it, he'll buy.

i put a long sleeve pink sweater on and a cute jean skirt with some old converses. (cover photo is inspo) then quickly brushed my teeth and did some light makeup and ran downstairs.

"morning kiddo" my dad greeted me again as i sat down at the table and he sat a bowl of cereal in front of me.
"morning dad" i smiled at him
"need anything from the store?" he asked taking a sip of coffee
"some more toothpaste please" i said taking a bite of cereal.
he was looking through some mail, i heard him sign and i assumed it was the bills.
"ya okay with the 99 cent stuff?" he asked rubbing his temple
"sure dad" i smiled at him again, i knew he was trying and i knew how hard having a drinking addiction was with little money. even if i hated him for it, i could never be mad at him. i just needed to figure out a way to make some money and then I can help out.

after i finished my breakfast i decided to walk to school, i gave my dad a kiss and then headed out the door. as i was walking i saw a couple help wanted signs, and that's when the idea hit me. drop out. get a job. earn money. help your dad. obviously it wouldn't be easy, a soc dropping out of school to get a job? that was sure to earn questions, but not if no one knew right?

i decided to skip school that day and walk to the place my dad always told me to stay away from, greaser territory. as i was walking i found a old looking convenience store and walked in. i gained some looks but ignored them.

"can i speak to the manager?" i asked the lady at the front
"speaking" she said in a rude voice
"oh im sorry" i said then looked at her "are you hiring?" i asked and she laughed at me.

i went to three other places after that. another convenience store, a gas station and a pet store.   all the walking had me tired, i had given up for the day but i was thirsty and just my luck there was another gas station about 2 feet infront of me. all the places said they'd never in hell hire a soc and i just brushed it off, i mean no one likes us and i don't blame them. i don't like us either.

as i walked in the gas station the bell above me rang and i was greeted by a tall, lean boy with thick greasy hair that was combed back.
"well whata we have here" he smirked
"i need a coke" i replied and he smiled
"heya pepsi, get my little friend here a coke!" he called out looking towards the counter.

pepsi? who names there kid pepsi? i looked around a little, the store was small but it seemed like it did some pretty good business.

"here ya go" a boy smiled handing me the coke, he looked about 16 maybe 17. he had a movie star smile and boy was he handsome. i couldn't help but stare.
"what brings ya here?" the other boy asked
"well i was uh looking for a job" i said and they both stared at me
"your dressed to fancy to be a greaser, ya middle class?" the boy i met first asked me.
"no, im a soc actually" i said a little fearful for their reaction.
"well I'll be damned!" the movie star said. man i needed to know some names i thought.
"my names maddie" i said without thinking
"how could we forget our manners!" the movie star said "names steve randle" the other boy said with a goofy smile and i smiled back
"names sodapop curtis, pleasure to meet ya" the movie star said, so that's why steve called him pepsi
"that's your real name?" i asked and he grinned
"my folks were real original" he said
"well i like it" i said smiling

after we made small talk for a little while soda spoke up.
"you said you were on this side for what reason again?" he asked
"i was looking for a job, but none of these places would hire me cause im a soc" i said with a hint of annoyance
"hmm" steve said and shot soda a look and soda looked back at him.
"what?" i asked confused
"ever pumped gas before?" soda grunned

HEYY. so i used to write all the time and then my account got hacked so i had to make a new one😛😛, uhm anyways! first chapter! idk if anyone's gonna read this though, cause it's outsiders. i still love them personally but that's just me. i also will have johnny, pony and dallas stories published soon too. 😊😊- mia 🤍

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