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The wagon makes it to Tamor safely and she heads to the palace. Once at the gates the guards stop her.

"No one is allowed to enter, leave" said a guard
"Please I must speak with the king" said Sofia
"I'm afraid you can't, he is busy today" said the other guard
"He's not here is he, where is he?" Asked Sofia
"How did you know?" Asked the first guard
"She sounds like a threat, arrest her" said the second
"Please you don't understand" pleaded Sofia
The guards didn't listen and arrested her. She was taken to a cell to be interrogated later. Zack was informed of the arrest and went to speak with her along with Susan.
"Do you know why you were arrested?" Asked Zack
"Because I wanted to speak to you" replied Sofia
"What is your name?" Asked Susan
" guys really don't remember. It's fine, it has been five years since I was last here. Tell me who you think I am" said Sofia
"What do you mean? Who are you?" Asked Zack
"Oh I guess I'm a ghost from the past, one who is thought to be dead. I should've died during the battle when Sarix invaded the kingdom. Tell me, do you remember me now?" Asked Sofia
"Who are you?" Asked Susan getting concerned
"Well ,Susan, you may not recognize me but I will tell you one thing...he who think he doesn't know does know" said Sofia
"What does that mean?" Asked Susan
"Why don't you both look through memories of the past and think back to happier times but remember what was said at those time" said Sofia
"Just tell us who you are" said Zack getting frustrated
"Oh if only I hadn't died to the Mountain warriors just outside a wall by the forest but not too far away from a river" said Sofia sarcastically "I guess I'll die before I tell you...sound familiar?"
"Why would that sound familiar?" Asked Susan
"Well Zack should remember it. What was it you said exactly...oh yeah, I remember, I'll die before I give it to you" said Sofia
"How do you know that?" Asked Zack
"Want to guess who I am now? If not, why don't you leave me her alone" said Sofia frustrated
Zack and Susan left Sofia in the dungeon still not knowing that it was Sofia who they were interrogating. William was taking Gerard around the palace and showing him where everything was when the went into the dungeon not knowing that someone was in there.
"This is where the dungeon is" said William
"It's so dark" said Gerard
"Hello William, how've you been?" Asked Sofia
"How do you know my name?" Asked William
"Well maybe you're not smarter than Zack and Susan, but how've you been?" Asked Sofia again
"Good..." replied William
" That's good *sigh* how's Alice and the twins?" Asked Sofia
"Their all doing good" replied William trying to figure out who she was
"That's good to hear...I've missed a lot and I wish I didn't. It's been five years and no one recognizes me...figures...everyone thinks I'm dead" said Sofia looking down
"Sofia?" Asked William confused
Sofia looked up and smiled
"You figured it out, who's that?" Asked Sofia looking at Gerard
"This is Gerard" replied William
"You've grown a lot since I last saw you" said Sofia
"Here let me let you out" said William unlocking the door
"Thank you William" said Sofia giving him a hug
"Do Zack and Susan know you're here and alive?" Asked William
"They came down here earlier but didn't realize it was me...want to scare them?" Asked Sofia
"I haven't been able to scare them in a long time, so yes" said William excitedly
Sofia, William and Gerard went into the palace to scare Zack and Susan.
"Zack, Susan, come look" called William
"What is it?" Asked Zack coining over
"Hello" said Sofia
"What are two doing with a prisoner?" Asked Susan
"Well I have been gone a long time, but I guess it's time to come clean. It's me, Sofia" said Sofia
"What but you died" said Zack shocked
"I didn't, i managed to make it to a river but I fell in and was taken to Xarrow a kingdom in the out lands" said Sofia
"I can't believe we couldn't tell it was you, I'm sorry" said Susan
"It fine now" said Sofia
"We have a lot to catch up on then" said Zack

Susan and Zack were caught up on everything that happened and Sofia was caught up on everything that happened in the kingdom.

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