Entry 7

308 11 0


I wrote him a note.

I'll tell you what it said.

It said,


Hi Jeongin.

I hope you are reading this,
I wanted to tell you that I love you.

I'm sorry that I didn't answer the door.

I didn't want you to see me,
I look a mess.

I have cuts all over on my arms.

My hair is tangled from not brushing it.

My eyes are puffy.

I still love you and I understand if you dont.

I'm annoying and too clingy.

I hope that new guy treats you well.

I hope you made the right decision of being with him.

And if I die I will still protect you.

I love you so much,
Bye Jeongin.


I should've said more but that's all I could think of.

My mind is fuzzy.

I always space out.

I'm always shaking.

I almost attempted.

I couldn't do it.

I wish I could just do it already.

I've been locked in my room for 2 weeks.

I'm probably gonna die soon from starvation.

I hope that comes quickly.

Bye Journal.


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