The Poisoned Chalice

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Desdemona was a spoiled woman.

Not with riches or gifts or food or attention.

She preferred to dress simply, with no jewelry, she does not enjoy receiving gifts but rather giving them, she does not enjoy any food unless it is an apricot tarter, and she does not enjoy attention.

She was spoiled with love. Everywhere she went she was loved. By her parents, her brothers, her friends, servants, court ladies and lords, Knights and soldiers, poets and jesters and singers.

She was loved.

It was hard to live in a reality where she wasn't.

Her story in simple terms?

You've got a rich, spoiled Highborn girl from one of the most important Houses in the entirety of the Seven Kingdoms, closely tied to House Targaryen, the previously ruling House of the Kingdoms.

She has stunning doe-like eyes, dark, deep, shiny brown. She has long, dark brown hair that is thick and wavy and... takes up so much space. And then her cheekbones almost seem swollen, that's how defined they are. And she's got an incredible voice that she doesn't cultivate, never took any singing lessons.

If the rest of the world was silver, then Desdemona was gold. Your eyes were attracted to her immediately.

She's born with all the riches and opportunities  in the world, access to whatever she may want, artists, singers, other Highborn Lords, Knights, squires, Ladies-in-waiting, Princesses and Kings, and fools and poets to write songs about her

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She's born with all the riches and opportunities in the world, access to whatever she may want, artists, singers, other Highborn Lords, Knights, squires, Ladies-in-waiting, Princesses and Kings, and fools and poets to write songs about her.

Didi could have anything and everything at her disposal.

But she had no one except for her brother Stannis. She has three brothers and a set of parents, and cousins and uncles.

Two parents who are so into their own world that they are all but indifferent to her existence. Although they never shy away from making her pose to visitors or when they visit King's Landing.

An older brother who lived most of his childhood in the Vale, content with calling someone else his brother, while his real brothers and sister live in Storm's End, silently brooding over their lack of opportunities. Although he never shied away from asking for favors when he did not wish to do something.

A younger brother, still in diapers when their parents died and his entire care fell on her shoulders, as Lady of Storm's End.

But Didi is actually a very gregarious, outgoing child. Desdemona would often ask to get her hair cut just because she loved her hairdresser, she would ask servants if she could look after their children as they worked, and she would gift her own items she had used to the servants for their name days.

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