Jonathan Wayne

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Clark's pov
Gotham, Wayne Manor 2 am

It all started at 1 am. The baby started coming. I've never felt such a pain before. I yelled and Alfred came to help me. He led me down to the cave and I lay down on the examination table.

"Ahhhhhh... Where is Bruce? Did you call him?" I asked exhausted.
"I called him, but he was in a middle of a fight and he couldn't leave Master Dick there alone. Don't worry, sir. You're doing it great. He's almost out" he said, but I couldn't hear the end of his sentence from my scream.

I heard the garage opening and Bruce parked down the Batmobile. He jumped out and ran towards me. He gave a kiss on my forehead and took my hand into his.

"I'm sorry for being late. How are you?" he asked gently, but I could only focus on his bleeding face.
"It hurts. You're bleeding" he touched his head and whipped away the blood from his face. The pain started over again. I tried not to break all the bones in Bruce's hand, but I let go in the end. He put it on my shoulder instead.
"Very good, sir. Only a few more pushes" Alfred said, but I was suffering for half an hour until I could lay back and rest. 

Bruce stepped next to Alfred and gave a quick shower to the baby. Because we didn't brought any kind of blankets to the cave, Bruce covered the baby in one of his cloaks. He hold the crying baby in his arms and I couldn't decide which one of them I love more.

Bruce stepped next to me and handed over our son. He was so small. He born a week before we expected. He slowly started to calm down and fall asleep. Bruce was still standing there with bleeding head, but with a huge smile on his face. Alfred already went upstairs.

"How should we call him?" Bruce asked because we didn't discuse about it.
"What's your idea?" I asked because I barely had the energy to keep my eyes open.
"What do you think about Jonathan Wayne? After your father" he asked looking at the sleeping child.
"And why does he got your name?" I asked offended.
"Because he's Bruce Wayne's and Superman's son and no one can find out about your secret identity. And my name is more powerful than yours" he added and I didn't have the power to argue with him anymore.

Bruce's pov

After an hour Jonathan woke up and started to cry.

"I'll feed him and put him to sleep. I'll get back to you after I'm done" I said as I took away Jonathan from him.
"You don't have to. I'll take a shower and go upstairs" he said and he wanted to sit up, but I didn't let him.
"You shouldn't get up yet"
"Bruce, I'm kryptonian. I'm healing faster"
"Fine, but I'll send Alfred down to help you"
"Thank you" he said and after a quick kiss, I went upstairs.

I fed Jonathan and I was trying to put a diaper on him, but he just couldn't stay in one place.

"Jonathan, could you please stop moving? You're worse than Dick" I said, but Jonathan didn't listen to me. He tried to grab my finger and after I managed to put his diaper on, I let him take my finger.

He was strong. Too strong. He grabbed me by my finger and threw me through the window. I couldn't breathe in surprise. I landed on my left side because I didn't have enough time to fall the right way. Firstly, because the Wayne Manor wasn't that tall and secondly, because I didn't expect it.

Luckily I was still wearing my Batsuit so I didn't break any bones, but it still pissed me of.

Dick rushed into the room, looking for danger. I talked to him while I fed Jonathan. He just got home and wanted to see the baby.

He looked out the broken window and noticed me lying on the ground. He burst out laughing.

"What happened?" he asked still laughing.
"He grabbed my finger and threw me through the window. I think he inherited powers from Clark" I said as I stood up. I was starting to get very angry with that baby.
"You think? Are you mad at him?" Dick asked smiling. I sent him a Batgalre, but it didn't affected him. He was enjoying himself too much.

"What happened?" Clark arrived too.
"Jonathan threw dad through the window" Dick answered and Clark appeared in the window nest to my ward.
"Are you okay, Bruce?" he asked worried.
"Yes, just wait until I arrive there. I have a few words to my son" I said as I opened the front door angrily.
"Well Jonathan, I think you made your father very angry" Clark said to the newborn.

As I entered the room, I lifted up Jonathan and all the anger went through my mind. Clark stepped to me nervous, but he didn't do anything.

"I'm very mad at you Jonathan. Who will raise you up, if you threw me through windows?" I said angrily, but I saw that Jonathan already started to fall back asleep. I wasn't angry anymore. "Dick, could you please carry out the crib and place it to another room?"
"Sure, step aside" he said and he left the room with the crib. Me and Clark followed him.

I handed over Jonathan to Clark and helped Dick put down the cradle. Jonathan already fell asleep when we put him in his bed.

"Only your child can fall asleep this fast" I said laughing.
"And yours" Clark said and kissing my neck as he hugged me from behind. I let out a small moan and then remembered that Dick was still there.
"Well, I think I'll follow his lead and go to sleep. Good night, dad, Clark" Dick said and he left the room.
"We should go too. You shouldn't stand this much" I said, looking up at Clark.
"Alright" he said and we slept in the bedroom next to the baby's room.

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