The trial

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Bruce's pov
Gotham City Courthouse 10 am

We waited in front of the hall's entrance to finally be called in. We were all very tense. Dick tossed his phone from one hand to the other as he hobbled in one place. I wanted to send him out for a run, but he wouldn't leave. Superman crossed his arms over his chest and just looked at me.

"Are you sure not asking for a prosecutor was the best idea?" he asked tensely. I wasn't that nervous before, but his questions made me so. I tried to stay calm and only concentrate on Jonathan in my arms, but somehow he was tense too. Like he knew what's going on.
"I want to talk"
"I get it Bruce, but a professional could do a better job than you"
"And can be paid off. I trust in no one among the members of the court. Once, I trusted in Harvy Dent and you know what happened to him"
"I know, I know, this is Gotham, but there must be at least one good among the prosecutors" he said, but I couldn't reply because we were called in.

It started as a normal trial. The judge and the jury came in and we listened to the accusations. Then I could start my speech.

"Thank you, Mr Jones. Well, as you know, I inherited everything after my parent's death. I was only nine years old when this happened and I didn't know how to lead a company. I trusted in this seven man, who sit here, to lead my company until I grow older. When I returned the company was almost bankrupt, but my big return was enough to save the company and since then, the Wayne Enterprises is the most successful company in the state. In light of these facts, I would like to address my first question to the defendants. Why did you fire me? It was the most unlogical thing to do, but you don't have to answer. I already knew what would you say, but I also know the truth. You have been stealing money since the beginnig, but I didn't want to tell it to anybody until you fired me. Each of you has stolen three billion dollars from me and my company over the years" I heard that the audience was stunned by the huge amount of money. "You can find the evidence in front of you, Mr Jones. The budget of the last ten years" I finished my speech and sat down. It was the lawyer's turn.

"What Mr Wayne said earlier is true, but only partly so. The directors fired him because he was impulsive and never asked their opinion about buying a new company for himself. He just called them and told them the facts. They were to take care of Mr Wayne's entire company, even the smaller ones he bought with his own money, not his company's.
But the charge of embezzlement is true. The investors stole money from Bruce Wayne and from his enterprise, but they had an excellent excuse. They weren't paid enough to put up with their boss's temperament, they worked for shamefully low wages. Besides, Bruce Wayne is a billionaire. I doubt that he missed those few hundred million dollars"

I couldn't believe what I just heard. These fools hired the most unprofessional lawyer in the whole city. They probably thought the company's lawyers were too loyal to me, but they would never say stuff like this.

"Well, the evidence what Mr Wayne gave is convincing and since they admitted that they embezzled, they are obliged to pay the damages in the amount 10 billion dollars and you can't keep the companies and buildings which were bought by Mr Wayne" the judge said and the investors immediately objected.
"We can't pay that much and if we give back all his investments we can't spread the enterprise just with a new owner" one of them said and that was my chance to make the ideal deal for me.
"We can make a deal"
"NO! We won't accept anything from you!"
"Just let me finish. You can keep the money, I won't ask any of it back, I don't care, but you have to give back all of my investments plus ten more which I'll pick out. Then you can make the offer to Luthor as you planned. In addition, I'll drop the case as a gift" I said and I saw the they are considering the offer.
"Mr Jones judge, my clients would like a break for a few minutes so that they can make a calm and considered decision" the lawyer said and the judge gave the permission.
"We will have a twenty minutes break" the judge said and went out the door. I left the room too and met with my family in the corridor.

"Could have been worse" Clark said and handed me over Jonathan.
"What's your plan exactly?" Dick asked as he made funny faces for Jonathan.
"To not lose my entire company and to have Luthor as the CEO. Don't worry, I made a deal with him" I said when I saw his face.
"Great, then nothing can go wrong. After all, only one supervillain will control the company and can do anything what he wants. What could go wrong?" he ironized, but I didn't have time to respond because of the reporters.

After the twenty minutes were up, they finally accepted my terms and signed the contract. Everything went as I planed. I only have to wait now.

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